Acupuncture, acupuncture oh how I love you! I went for my second ever acupuncture treatment today and I have a feeling I will make it a frequent occasion. I’m definitely hooked and would highly recommend it. Ive been having trouble with chronic headaches, along with minor stress and anxiety. I will be honest, I am not sure exactly how the tiny needles do the job, but your whole body is in a relax state, la la land for sure. The best thing: it doesn’t hurt at all. If you’re looking for true healer, I am a huge fan of Byron Russell. (Not to mention he was named the top 3 Acupuncturists in the Bay Area by San Francisco Chronicle’s 2009 BayList).
5 common reasons to try acupuncture:
- Chronic pain, headaches and migraines
- Sports medicine and injuries {common with runners!}
- Stress reduction, depression, insomnia
- Common cold or flu
- Anti-aging treatments {trying this next to reduce and prevent wrinkles!}
…I think this calls for a movie and tea kind of night. =)
{picture credit: Acupuncture Los Angeles}