Amanda Latona Booty Workout

First of all, I’m a huge fan of Amanda Latona. Secondly, I have always had a teeny tiny butt my whole life and have been working so incredibly hard for that “Amanda Latona booty”. I recently tried this workout which I read in Oxygen on my flight home a few days ago. I had no intention of posting the full workout, but WOW am I sore. No wonder she’s called the “Booty queen”. My legs and glutes have never been this sore in my life. The “I can barely walk, I look crippled” type of sore. But, it hurts so good and had to share with you guys!

Here’s what I did:

  • Hack Squat 4×10
  • Walking dumbell kickback lunge superset with dumbell step-up 3×12 each leg
  • Bulgarian dumbell split squat 4×10 each leg
  • Barbell hip thrust 4×12
  • Cable abductor superset with cable kickback 3×12

*In between each set do 12-15 jump squats (if you want to be carried out of the gym)

If you aren’t sure of what each exercise looks like, search on for pictures and how-to’s.


I dare you…try this workout and let me know what you think! Remember, if your not sore you didnt work hard enough. Push yourself and see the changes start to happen! I have FINALLY been able to grow my glutes, with a little determination, passion and drive. Lift heavy weights, eat, eat, eat and drink tons of water. Watch your body change. If I can do it, so can you.

 photo JennaSig_zpse9c98adc.png


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