Why do you workout?

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Why do you workout?

I get asked this question all the time. People seem to notice my dedication and wonder why I do it. Honestly, there are so many reasons I don’t even know where to begin to explain. I’m sure we all have different thoughts on this. Maybe its to achieve your “dream body”. Maybe to get in shape for the big day or to get healthy for your whole life? Maybe it’s to feel comfortable and confident in your own skin?

I was actually thinking about this in the shower the other day. Aside from the many reasons, one really stood out. There are so many things in this world that we have no control of, but one thing we do. We have full and total control over our bodies. (Besides diseases like cancer- you suck!) I know what you’re thinking…control freak? But seriously, we have full control of what we eat, how we take care of our hygiene, and how we treat our body. No one forced you to eat a big mac, or eat some chicken and broccoli for that matter. But this is why I workout. To have full control of my body and to see the amazing results of  all the hard work and dedication. I workout to be the absolute best I can be inside and out. To be a healthy, glowing, strong women. Your body is a reflection of your lifestyle. So why not treat it well!

The amount of endorphin’s after a workout doesn’t hurt either. Do you ever get that feeling that you just have to get to the gym to complete your day, or better yet feel better after a stressful day? I’m one of those people who walk out of the gym with a whole new attitude and smile on my face. I don’t know what I would do without this lifestyle! Exercise doesn’t get in the way of life, it adds to it.

So it’s your turn. Why do YOU workout? Please do share in the comments!

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Don’t forget to enter the Thermos filtration bottle giveaway! 

Thanks for reading!!

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Importance of H20 + Win a Thermos Filtration Bottle (Giveaway)

I know a lot of us forget, or maybe don’t know exactly how important it is to drink water to achieve our fitness goals. I’ve heard a few dehydration stories during marathons recently, but running is not the only time we need to guzzle that H2O. Water also aids in weight-loss, increases energy and helps build muscle. For those who know me personally, know that I drink more water than anyone on this planet! I feel lost and totally depleted without it. Some people need more water in their bodies than others, myself on the high end of the scale.

So to get a little more scientific…the human brain is composed of 95% water. Blood is about 82% water and lungs are 90% water. So without a doubt water is the most critical nutrient for health, grow and development. It’s the most important and also the most abundant.

Healthy Benefits of H2O:

* Healthy skin
* Healthy teeth and bones
* Healthy joints
* Increase energy
* Helps build muscle
* Increases muscle tone

Who doesn’t want all of that?!

How much should we drink? They say the average person requires a minimum of 8-12 cups of water a day. But, this is far too low for active people who exercise on a regular basis. All depending on your size and perspiration rate, you lose 4 cups of water per hour of exercise. Or if in a hot climate you can easily loose a gallon or more by the end of a workout. So active adults, athletes and bodybuilders should drink 1.5-3 gallons at minimum of water/day. Before, during and after exercise water is most important, so drink up!

If you want to read some interesting key points I found on bodybuilding.com click here.

I want to give a huge shout-out to Thermos Brand for hooking me up with this pretty cool 22-ounce Filtration bottle (Target, $25). This water bottle filters water from nasty chemicals while reducing bad odor and taste from your average tap water.

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Good news: Thermos Brand is giving away a filtration bottle to one lucky Fitness & the City reader- woohoo! 

To enter:

Leave a comment letting us know how many cups or gallons of water you try to drink a day.

Extra (optional) entries:

1. Like Thermos Brand on Facebook
2. Follow Thermos Brand on Twitter: @Thermos
3. Follow Thermos Brand on Pinterest
4. Like Fitness & the City on Facebook
5. Follow Fitness & the City on Twitter: @jennapardini
6. Follow Fitness & the City on Pinterest

Winner will be chosen and announced on May 2nd. Good Luck!

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Amanda Latona Booty Workout

First of all, I’m a huge fan of Amanda Latona. Secondly, I have always had a teeny tiny butt my whole life and have been working so incredibly hard for that “Amanda Latona booty”. I recently tried this workout which I read in Oxygen on my flight home a few days ago. I had no intention of posting the full workout, but WOW am I sore. No wonder she’s called the “Booty queen”. My legs and glutes have never been this sore in my life. The “I can barely walk, I look crippled” type of sore. But, it hurts so good and had to share with you guys!

Here’s what I did:

  • Hack Squat 4×10
  • Walking dumbell kickback lunge superset with dumbell step-up 3×12 each leg
  • Bulgarian dumbell split squat 4×10 each leg
  • Barbell hip thrust 4×12
  • Cable abductor superset with cable kickback 3×12

*In between each set do 12-15 jump squats (if you want to be carried out of the gym)

If you aren’t sure of what each exercise looks like, search on bodybuilding.com for pictures and how-to’s.


I dare you…try this workout and let me know what you think! Remember, if your not sore you didnt work hard enough. Push yourself and see the changes start to happen! I have FINALLY been able to grow my glutes, with a little determination, passion and drive. Lift heavy weights, eat, eat, eat and drink tons of water. Watch your body change. If I can do it, so can you.

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Paris Marathon 2014




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 Greeted at the finish line with these macaroons, thank you Jeff!

(Some photos taken by myself, others by Jeff and a few professional shots as well.)

The Paris Marathon was truly an unforgettable experience. Just being in this beautiful city alone was spectacular. We ran a slow 4 hour and 30 minute pace, which was perfect to actually take in our surroundings.  The course was flat, and the first half was pretty easy, but the last got difficult approaching mile 20 or so. I think you can see with my expressions that I was struggling a bit! But most importantly we made it, had SO much fun and would do it again in a heartbeat. Actually, day of the race I told myself this would be my last marathon, but as time has gone by I’ve had a change of heart and searching for another! Running is quite the addicting sport. The feeling of accomplishment easily replaces any negative thoughts. Going through the finish line and getting that medal was actually a little emotional. We did it! This was easily the best feeling in the world.

That day we went out to celebrate and once that post-marathon feeling of needing food and water went away we were ready to explore the city. Surprisingly walked out of it not sore at all!  It just so happened to be Luba’s 30th birthday which made the race that much more fun. Can’t wait to share more photos from the trip in an upcoming post. 🙂

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Fitfluential Plank Challenge: #FFAprilAbs

Hi there!

If you follow my Facebook or Instagram you may have heard, but I am so happy to announce that I am a new member of Fitfluential. Fitfluential is an amazing group of people who share a large passion for health and fitness. With that said, I have a lot of fun things coming up in the near future!


So what about a plank challenge for April?!

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Fitfluential is teaming up with Puma for an April Abs challenge to plank each day this month. To join the challenge, just use the hashtag: #FFAprilAbs. Make sure you post daily on Instagram and Twitter to be entered to win one of two sets of PUMA Soundchuck Portable Speakers*.


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Planks are the perfect way to end a workout! I love that extra ab push once finished with training whatever muscle group I’m working on that day. So who’s ready to to PLANK?!

For official rules and downloadable calendar, visit the Fitfluential blog: here

Also, don’t forget to enter the Designer Whey Giveaway!

Now I’m off to Paris to run the Marathon de Paris…EEK! So nervous and excited. I’ll be instagraming a whole lot while I’m there, so be sure to follow me: @fitnessandthecity.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of your encouragement and well wishes.  🙂

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