Cycle For Survival + 2 Barry’s Bootcamp Classes

Happy Monday loves! Its that time of year again- Cycle for Survival is making it’s way through the country raising millions of dollars for cancer research. This will be my second year spinning at the event for my team, The Spinderellas.

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We team up with Cycle for Survival each year to fight against cancer. Every single dollar raised goes to the research or patient care, thanks to Equinox, and donors, providing everything for the event. Cycle for Survival has raised over $74.5M to-date, and last year was the biggest year ever — raising over $25M! (The Spinderellas raising over $30,000!)

The cause for Cycle For Survival is near and dear to my heart as I have had a handful of very close friends and family members battle cancer; some of them overcoming it, while others not as fortunate. You never think its going to happen to someone you love, but its real and painful.

Last year I had the HONOR and absolute pleasure to watch Brian Rozelle speak at the Cycle for Survival event. Brian was MY AGE (28) when he was diagnosed with a rare and terminal cancer of the bile duct. This past April, three years after his diagnosis, Brian passed away; leaving his fiancée, family, friends and the Cycle For Survival community heartbroken. I will always remember Brian’s motto: “I fight not for the fear of dying but for the joy of living.”

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I will be riding at the San Francisco Cycle For Survival event on February, 27th to honor all those who have battled, who continue to battle and especially for those who are no longer here to battle.

My team will be hosting a handful of events in San Francisco, the first two being Barry’s Bootcamp classes! 100% of the class registration will be donated to The Spinderellas (we have a $40,000 goal this year!) Here are the links for those who would like to sign up for a class this week/end!

Thursday Jan 28 7:50pm-8:50pm SOMA LOCATION: click here for tickets

Sunday Jan 31 2:30-3:30pm MARINA LOCATION: click here for tickets 

If you cant make either class and would like to donate, click here.

With a gracious heart, Jenna

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