Well here goes…my very first post! I am not exactly the most computer savvy girl in the world so bare with me. A friend of mine and I recently had a conversation about my workouts and how my mind runs in circles daily regarding exercise and whether or not to eat a salad for lunch or a piece of pizza. That’s where the idea of a blog came about. Its so common to hate going to the gym after a long day of work and surprisingly I have actually gotten to the point where I look forward to it. Especially during the summer when I know I will have to break out in the teeny bikini at some point or another. There are tons of ways to keep active in the city, and here you’ll find how I do so.
Lets just start by saying I have never been a runner, never thought I would ever be a runner and dreaded anything that had to do with running. Well times have changed. My first half marathon was last year, when I participated in the Nike Women’s Marathon and since then I can’t stop. Running is the most therapeutic thing in the world. I look forward to getting off work and going on a long run, by myself, without a care in the world. And I am so excited to be running the Nike Women’s Marathon again in October! If you would like to help support me by donating to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, please click here . Every penny makes a difference and I truly appreciate your support.
On another note, the event is almost 12 weeks away which means I need to get my butt into shape. Here are a couple of training schedules I am considering:
running.about.com training guide
shape.com training guide
halfmarathons.net training guide
…Any suggestions?
Here is a picture from last years run::