Happy 2019!! It’s so crazy that another year has passed and we are already starting a new year. I feel like I say this every year but time seriously flies. 2018 has been a truly incredible year for me.

I’ve been sharing quite a few highlights on instagram this past week, it is so fun to reflect on the past year and think about what you can do in the next year to improve in both personal and professional lives. A few of my highlights include travel (two trips to NY for fashion week, Paris, Boston, Mexico, Hawaii), throwing a suprise 60th birthday party for my Mom, working on some dream collaborations including shooting a campaign for Vici Dolls, and of course our engagement which tops them all! This year has been extremely good to me and I’m so excited for what’s to come.

Anyways, I am big on goal setting each year or as I prefer to call it “setting intentions” for the year. Similar to resolutions, but I feel like the word resolutions is so cliche, not detailed enough and usually get thrown out the door in February. Jeff and I sit down together before the New Year to talk about our goals together and do a bit of financial planning to set us up for success. I cant stress enough how much writing down my intentions have helped me over the years!

Today I’m going to share some tips which have helped me write my goals, and also share some of my intentions for 2019.

  1. Write down at least 5 personal and 5 professional goals that you can take action on right away. Sometimes I have more than 5 goals for each, but I like to have at least 5 within each category. Specifically for me, I separate my two jobs into different sections (blog and Marc Jacobs Beauty). I usually start by looking at my goals from the prior year. Are there any that I want to carry over into the next year, but set an even higher goal than the year before?
  2. Be specific. It’s important to be specific as possible to get you thinking about exactly it is that you want to achieve. Instead of writing down “I want to loose weight” be more specific by saying how much weight you want to loose by a certain amount of time.
  3. Make sure your goals are measurable. How are you going to get to the end goal? This is the most important step for me. Write down the steps about how you are going to get there. For example, if you want to loose weight, your steps can be to sign up at a new gym, find a personal trainer or sign up for a 5k.
  4. Your goals should also be achievable. This doesn’t mean that you can’t dream big! Trying to take too big of a step too fast can lead to frustration and we all want to achieve our goals by the end of the year.
  5. Set a timeline and check in. I like to check in and see where I am at least once a month. It helps me level set and gives me a chance to either check things off the list or remind me that I need to continue to work on whatever my goal may be. It keeps me motivated!


Photography by Laurel Creative

Ok, now that I’ve shared my 5 steps to creating intentions, below are some of my 2019 goals for the year!

My personal 2019 intentions:

Complete all wedding planning before the end of the year.

  • How: Make a detailed list of things I need to do and give myself a timeline and budget for each task. Stay organized!

Make smart financial decisions and have no debt by the end of the year.

  • How: Make auto payments each month to debt. Make auto payments to all savings accounts each month. Increase 401k contribution to 10% of pre-tax income by the end of the year. (I have a more detailed plan here but I will spare you!)

Get in tip top shape before the wedding.

  • How: Continue Bay Club workouts at least 4-5 times a week. Sign up for a half marathon. Prep lunches for each week on Sunday and eliminate alcohol during the week (no wine!)

Make more time for family, friends and people I care about most.

  • How: Set up a date night once a week with Jeff (with no phones or tv time). Reach out to family and friends more often, call them and set up dates at least a few times a month.

Be more spiritual.

  • How: Go to church at least once a month and read “Jesus Calling” daily devotions. Dedicate at least 10 minutes a day to reflections.

Travel to a country I have never been to.

  • How: Decide in January when we will take our big Italy trip and start planning.


My professional 2019 intentions:

(I’ve made goals for my job at Marc Jacobs Beauty and blogging, but will share my blogging goals below)

Reach 75k followers by the end of the year

  • How: Create more content and get more organized by scheduling consistent shoots and detailed posting calendars. Share more of my daily life on stories and ensure my readers feel more connected with me.

Share even more content true to me and my passions. Continue to post fashion but increase fitness content.

  • How: Schedule a fitness shoot at least every other month. Share more of my daily routine.

Set an income goal for myself: make at least $$$ a month.

  • How: Reach out to at least one new brand a week. Continue to expand my brand resume and continue to grind! Research different media agencies and decide if that is the right path for me in the future.

Create a clear vision for my brand, strong business plan and media kit.

  • How: Create a business plan and updated vision by February. Update media kit as I continue to increase my following.

Update my email template.

  • How: reach out to designer to help me create a more cohesive email design for my posts.


I hope that sharing my goals with you has motivated you to start writing down your own intentions for the year! So excited for what’s to come in 2019 you guys!

DREAM BIG! xx Jenna





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