The Juice Cleanse Diaries

I did this amazing cleanse the other day and loved it so much I have to share! Juicing seems to be all the rage lately and if you don’t have time to make your own (like myself) there are so many juice shops popping up! This particular juice is from Pressed Juicery here in San Francisco. I did the 1…

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Homemade Almond Butter / New Etsy Find

Hope you had a terrific Labor Day weekend! We spent the weekend in Sonoma visiting my parents, soaking up the sun and relaxing. While there, my mom and I decided to make homemade almond butter. I don’t think you guys understand how easy it is to make. Why buy it at the store when making your own is SO simple…

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What I Ate Wednesday / Grocery Shopping Tip

I am linking up for another What I ate Wednesday! Hopefully this gives you guys some ideas of what I eat, as I am constantly looking for new meal recipes! Head over to Peas and Crayons for more clean eating ideas! She makes master pieces over there, where as my cooking skills are slowly but surely progressing. These pics are…

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Dream BIG and start NOW!

I know I talk about sets, super-sets, to failure and all these terms I’m sure you haven’t heard of, right? Thing is, I just learned what they are myself, so I hope you’re not reading this feeling discouraged because you don’t know what a tricep extension super-set with a bench tricep kickback is. Everyone starts as a beginner, including myself…

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Tips To Getting Your AM Workout On

I am loving my new routine lately, so much I had to share it with you guys! Since I started a new job I have been waking up early and working out before work. I have been trying to do this for years, but now I am able to get to work just a tad later. Lazy? Nope, not me…but…

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