
Fitfluential Plank Challenge: #FFAprilAbs

Hi there!

If you follow my Facebook or Instagram you may have heard, but I am so happy to announce that I am a new member of Fitfluential. Fitfluential is an amazing group of people who share a large passion for health and fitness. With that said, I have a lot of fun things coming up in the near future!


So what about a plank challenge for April?!

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Fitfluential is teaming up with Puma for an April Abs challenge to plank each day this month. To join the challenge, just use the hashtag: #FFAprilAbs. Make sure you post daily on Instagram and Twitter to be entered to win one of two sets of PUMA Soundchuck Portable Speakers*.


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Planks are the perfect way to end a workout! I love that extra ab push once finished with training whatever muscle group I’m working on that day. So who’s ready to to PLANK?!

For official rules and downloadable calendar, visit the Fitfluential blog: here

Also, don’t forget to enter the Designer Whey Giveaway!

Now I’m off to Paris to run the Marathon de Paris…EEK! So nervous and excited. I’ll be instagraming a whole lot while I’m there, so be sure to follow me: @fitnessandthecity.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of your encouragement and well wishes.  🙂

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home gym must-haves

Lately I have been dreaming about moving into a 2 bedroom apartment so I can use one room as a designated gym (as well as a second closet which I am in dire need of). So until I have room for a treadmill, elliptical or a bike, I have put together a few smaller must-have items for my home gym.

home gym

1. Stability Ball: an inexpensive way to give your workout a little something extra. Use for core work, sit on it for shoulder work, use for wall sits or prop your feet on it for push ups. Theres a million things you can do with a stability ball.

2. Jump rope: cardio, cardio, cardio. Use a jump rope if you’re looking for an easy and simple cardio warmup.

3. Kettlebell: I am loving kettlebell exercises! Use them for cardio or strength training and work every muscle in the body.

4. Yoga mat: stretching, yoga, ab exercises, a yoga mat can be used for anything and everything.

5. Bosu Ball: instead of standing flat on the ground, stand on a bosu ball when doing shoulder or arm exercises, squats or killer crunches. This will give you an added core bonus.

6. Dumbbells: these are essential for any home gym. I like these specifically because the material will protect the hardwood from getting scratched. Also, be sure to get heavier weights. I usually use 8-15 pounds.

7. TRX resistance band (not pictured): this allows you to do hundreds of exercises using your own bodyweight. You can anchor it to your door at home. I have been loving TRX and bodyweight training lately!

Ab Workout

Per popular request, I have put together my Go-To Ab Workout for you guys. This can be done at home or at the gym, with or without a handweight. Like I said, this is totally my go-to.  Abs are made in the kitchen, (I’m sure I have said this before) so you must also watch your diet to see results! Keep those abs tight and try this workout for maximum soreness!

{Photos compliments of bodybuilding.com}

1. Crunch with Chest press:


2. Vertical Leg Crunch: aka Toe Toucher; crunch up with a weight in hand for a little extra push:

3. Seated Russian Twist: twist from side to side; use handweight for a little something extra

4. Bicycle crunch:

5. Reverse Crunch:

6. Alternate Heel Touchers; side to side:

7. Scissor Kick:

8. Plank: hold for as long as possible and tighten your belly:

9. Side Plank aka Bridge:

10. Nose to Knee Crunch:

Enjoy! xo, Jenna

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