
30 Miles in 30 Days/Workout Progress

I feel like I’m making progress! It’s seriously the best thing ever to actually SEE the results that you work so hard for. Once you see your body changing it only pushes you harder. It’s the best feeling! So if you feel like your not seeing results, KEEP GOING!!! You will get there, patience is a virtue! (which I am working on ;))

I’m excited to be linking up with Ms. Sarah and Nikki again for this awesome challenge!

I’m going to start by saying that so far in May I have been slacking on my running and focusing more on lifting. I have a petite frame naturally so my mindset at the moment is focused on building more muscle opposed to cardio.

Here’s what my week has looked like so far:

Monday: double day- 30 minutes elliptical (about 3 miles), then back to the gym for back/biceps

Tuesday: Legs/Glutes (my fave!!) …and still very sore!

Wednesday: Triceps/Chest, 20 minutes of elliptical (about 2 miles)

Thursday (today): 30 minutes on treadmill (3.5 miles)

Friday: Planning to get outside for a run…but may change my mind 🙂

Saturday: REST (Going to Bottlerock!)

Sunday: run/walk with Mom (Mother’s day)

My total miles this week: 8.5 —-> 21.5 more to go!

Are you all staying motivated?

Bikini season is coming up! Here’s to eating clean and training your butt off!!


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Booty Build Workout!

Summer is just around the corner and I know all you ladies want a firm, tight, little booty. (Why do I feel so naughty saying that?) Well, ok…I’m sure the guys want to see that as well. So here’s the deal. Muscle building does not come from hours of cardio or squats using your own body weight. You must push yourself with heavy weights, ideally 1 or 2 times a week.

I always dedicate specific days to each muscle group, rather than doing full body workouts in one session. This gives you more energy to dedicate to one body part, allowing you to build the muscle to its maximum potential. Here is an example of my ideal weekly routine:

  • Monday- Chest/Cardio
  • Tuesday- Arms/Cardio
  • Wednesday- Legs/Glutes, no Cardio
  • Thursday- Cardio
  • Friday- Rest
  • Saturday- Back/Cardio
  • Sunday- Rest

As you can see, I don’t train my shoulders because this usually causes too much strain leaving me with a headache the next day. This is just my personal opinion, so shoulder exercises may work for you. Dont forget to switch your routine every so often so your body doesn’t get used to the same workouts leading to no change. Give your body some new excitement and it will adjust accordingly.

Needless to say, my leg/glutes day is definitely my favorite. I can do without cardio, although I love to run. But working my legs and glutes gives me some sort of indescribable satisfaction. I have always had the smallest glute muscles (which is the opposite problem for most women) but with this workout once a week, (twice if I have time) has given me a much more defined, rounder and larger (in a good way) “bottom”.


Instead of just going through the motions, push yourself with this workout and you will burn a ton of calories! Most importantly, use weights that are challenging for you. If you are a set of 10, use heavier weights than if you are doing a set of 15. Give yourself 1-2 minutes of rest in between each set, pay close attention to proper form, and have fun with it! If you stick to this 30-45 minute session, once or twice a week, you will see change!

After this workout it is crucial to go home and refuel. It’s best to head straight for a protein shake, or meal including protein, veggies and whole grains. I know so many women who don’t eat anything after a workout, but unfortunately that will only burn off the hard-earned muscle you just worked so eagerly for. At the gym, you are breaking down the muscle tissue, but after the gym with proper sleep and nutrition is when you build that muscle to be stronger than before. Your activities outside of working out are just as important as the hour your spend at the gym. Nourish your body and it will rebuild the muscle you have broken down. Does that make sense?

If you are unsure of any of these exercises, refer to for examples and explanations.


(I wish I could find a ‘before’ picture so we can compare…but find me on Instagram!)

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This blog is meant to follow my lifestyle of health and fitness, and inspire others who may be on the same journey. All opinions are my own and not everything I post may be right for you. Anything I discuss is what I believe and I am not responsible for errors or omissions. I am not a certified trainer or nutritionist. Anything posted relating to these fields are my beliefs and what has worked for me. Thank you for your support!

Clean Eating: put simply


I have been getting a ton of questions regarding the basics. “What is clean eating?” “How can I eat clean?” I know I use that phrase a lot, so lets back it up a bit and get down to the basics.

So what’s the hype around “eating clean?” I am no expert, but I have done my fair share of research and experimentation with this subject. My body is a constant experiment and what you put in it is SO important to your health and well-being. So, put simply, clean eating is just a way to talk about what you are eating. This is not a diet or a short-term thing, but more of a lifestyle. This way of eating incorporates un-processed foods, with no chemicals. Food that is at it’s natural state, without going through a factory. This means eating your fruits and veggies, whole grains and lean proteins rather than pre-packaged, processed or fast foods. In all reality, there are no fitness goals that can be achieved without it. Without a clean diet, exercise can be mostly ineffective. (eek!)

There are so many benefits to eating clean, as I have said a million times I’m sure. But I am so passionate about this stuff and can’t stress the importance enough. I have been an avid gym-goer for quite some time, but I wasnt putting the right things into my body, therefore I saw no results. I was “working out to eat”, I guess you could say. To see results, you MUST eat clean, energize your body with the right foods, which will in turn set you up for success. Sorry if this is information you are already aware of, but many are unaware, as was I a year or so ago. Set yourself up for success and eat clean!

“It’s not about finding the right diet, but adopting the right lifestyle.”

To get you started here are some basic foods groups which play a big act in this lifestyle:

  • Protein Sources: chicken, turkey, fish, egg whites, greek yogurt, protein powder
  • Whole Grains– whole grain breads, ezekial bread, whole grain oats, brown rice, quinoa
  • Veggies– brocoli, green beans, asparagus, cauliflower, pretty much any plants!
  • Fruits– visit this site to learn more about what fruits are low in sugar
  • Healthy Fats– nut butters, avocado, almonds
  • Sugar– Have you heard that saying “eat less sugar, you’re sweet enough already”? Enough said. 🙂

Food is a big ticket to health. If you eat like garbage you will feel like garbage. Does this seem a bit overwhelming? There is a lot of information out there and I’m sure it’s a lot to take in. But keep it simple. Take baby steps. Don’t go from one extreme to the other. This is a learning process for everyone, including fitness models and competitors! I am still learning a ton of different things on a daily basis. However, it so is important to know, that one thing may work for some, but not for others. Each of us is different, and you should find the right thing for you. It’s a constant journey and we are in this together! Most importantly, have fun with it! (Can you tell via my Facebook and IG that I am having a ball experimenting with new foods?)

Here are some tips to get you started:

To read more visit my favorite site for information:

Enjoy your weekend and thanks for reading! xo

Leg Workout

Ok, my legs are KILLING me today! This was what has brought me to such misery today, but let me tell ya…it is SO worth it. If you are not getting sore, you need to find that fire inside of you. It was not until I started to lift weights that I saw a huge change in a short amount of time. Instead of just going through the motions, I have been increasing the weights and conquering my mind. I am realizing while typing this,  that I need to start posting progress photos! (My apologies, I’m not too fond of taking selfies!) I know a lot of women don’t know what to do the second they walk into a gym. I have been there myself, and I’m sure we all have. It can be very intimidating at first!  I thought this layout of a workout can help “guide” you through your gym routine. Follow these exercises and you will soon get in the groove and feel your way around. Get inside your head, think positive, keep working hard and be patient. You will get there. I love this saying…”Sweat today, smile tomorrow.”

Try this leg workout and let me know what you think!

1. Lunge with dumbbells

2. Lunge with barbell

3. Squat with barbell


4. Deadlift

 5. Seated Leg Extension

6. Laying Leg Curl

7. Leg Press

8. Seated Leg Curl

9. Seated Calf Raise

10.Box Jumps


[Photos compliments of]

I am so excited to announce that I am doing a GIVEAWAY on my Facebook page as soon as I hit 800 “likes”! Only a couple more to go. Please help me get there! Share, share, share Fitness and the City on Facebook so we can do this thing! The giveaway just might have something to do with my favorite brand below….!!! Thanks guys, and happy almost weekend! =)

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