

I’ve gotten a lot of you girls asking to share more of my workout routine, so I’m kicking off a fun MINI FITNESS SERIES on the blog! I will be sharing a series of different workouts that I do on a daily basis. They will range from outdoor and indoor plyos, body weight or weight training, cardio and trx, while also highlighting some of my all time favorite activewear brands.

I’m excited to kick off the series with a fun full body beach workout featuring Lorna Jane. I have been a fan of Lorna Jane forever. I love their style, fit and fabric choices and I am so excited to be partnering with them on this post.

Below is a full body workout using your own body weight, which can be done anywhere or anytime.


No-Gym Needed: Body Weight Workout

First things first: don’t forget to stretch ( I like to before and after I workout)

Circuit 1:

20 push ups

20 plank touches (touch your hand to opposite foot)

20 plank shoulder taps

Repeat Circuit 4x

Circuit 2:

1 minute knee ups

1 minute jumping lunges

1 minute jump squats

Repeat circuit 4x

Circuit 3:

1 minute bicycle crunch

1 minute leg raises

1 minute plank

Repeat circuit 4x


Each exercise is shown below!

Shannon Righetti Photography

As I’ve mentioned, I’ve been a huge fan of Lorna Jane activewear for a long time now, and one of the best things about blogging is working with brands that I admire.

Lorna Jane has so many fun, stylish pieces! They have such a great assortment of colors, fabrics, and styles I really love the selection! These leggings above are one of my favorite leggings I’ve tried. The material is so soft, and comfortable, the quality is really amazing. I love how supportive and comfortable the sports bra is, and the long sleeve tee is another favorite.

Here are a few more of my favorite pieces from Lorna Jane:

Sports Bras:






Hope you guys enjoy the mini fitness series! More to come! Please let me know if you try the workout, I hope you love. xo




Outfit details: Tank / Sports Bra / Leggings / Shoes

Hope you all had a great weekend! The weather was a perfect 80 degrees here in San Francisco this weekend so I’ve taken most of my workouts outdoors lately. I’ve been running much more often but also incorporating more body weight exercises. I love body weight training and plyos mostly because you can do them anywhere, anytime. If you dont have a gym membership or weights at home these are the exercises for you!

Its important to remember that you dont have to spend hours in the gym. All you really need is 30 mins of high intensity training each day. This workout only took me 30 mins and definitely got my heart rate up and sweating.

All you need for this workout is a park bench. Try it out and let me know what you think!

  • Run 1 mile
  • 20 jump squats
  • 20 skaters
  • 20 park bench push ups
  • 20 park bench step ups
  • 20 bench dips
  • Repeat 3 times

When it comes time to workout I really like having my workout already in my head and planned so once I start sweating I keep my heart rate up and dont stop to think about what Ā to do next. I have found it super helpful to have a library of exercises on my phone and ready for me. I usually write them down in my notes section so I can easily access at anytime. Below is a library of my favorite body weight training exercises to give you some new and fresh ideas. Screenshot the below, and create a workout of your own! I love focusing on 1-2 muscle groups per workout but when I body weight train I often like to work the whole body.

Here are a few of my favorites:


  • Lunge: Lunge from all angles! Lunges are the best to grow the booty in my opinion. At the gym I like to use weights but this exercise can be done without as well. Just increase your reps.
  • Lunge Jump: My go-to move to get my heart rate up
  • Curtsy Lunge: Want a perkier butt? Try the curtsy lunge! Also helps with posture.
  • Squat: Jump squats are also something I like to incorporate often. I prefer lunges over squats but also great to incorporate both.
  • Pistol Squat: Aka long leg squat, requires strength and flexibility. I love working on these often to continuously improve.
  • Step up: Find a park bench or stairs and step up one leg at a time or jump up with both legs
  • Calf raise: Dont forget to work your calves! Often neglected, but important muscles especially for runners!
  • Wall sit: Place your back against your wall and sit shoulder width apart. This exercise works mostly your quadriceps.

Chest and Back

  • Push up: Try on an incline and decline for variety.
  • Superman: WillĀ strengthen your lower back and core muscles by isolating them as you lift your arms and legs off the floor.

Arms and Shoulders

  • Tricep dip: This exercise gets the job done. Tone the back of your armsĀ with tricep dips.
  • Push ups: I also love diamond push ups which makes your triceps work even harder!


  • Flutter kicks: To work your lower abs and hip flexors flutter your legs up and down in small movements to create tension.
  • Plank: There are so many variations to try. Planks build isometric strength to help sculpt your waistline and improve your posture. And depending on the type of plank you try, you can also engage your back, arms, shoulders, glutes, and hamstrings. Win! Here are a few variations:
    • Forearm plank
    • Straight arm plank
    • Side plank / add a twist
    • Plank with arm/leg lift
    • Plank jacks
  • Russian twist:Ā Lie down on the floor placing your feet either under something that will not move or by having a partner hold them. Your legs should be bent at the knees. Elevate your upper body so that it creates an imaginary V-shape with your thighs.
  • Bicycle crunch: Simple yet effective!
  • Crunch: You can try different varieties here as well. Try with your feet flat, feet on the floor or legs to one side.

What are your favorite body weight exercises? Let me know if the comments!


Back & Shoulders Circuit Training

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Back circuit (Repeat 3x)

-lat pull down (15)

-cable seated rows (15)

-dumbell bent over rows (15 each arm)

-Assisted pull ups (15/last set to failure)


Shoulders circuit (Repeat 3x)

-Plate front raises (15)

-seated barbell shoulder press (15)

-barbell upright row (15)

-assisted pull ups (15/last set to failure)


I usually don’t train shoulders because it has a tendency to give me headaches the next day. However, I think it’s time to suck it up! After seeing a chiropractor for quite some time, I think we fixed the headache problem so I finally decided to give shoulders a try.

I have never been able to do a pull up. EVER. Until now. Practice, practice, practice and your body will become noticeably stronger! šŸ™‚

Tip of the day:Ā Do you find yourself asking what to eat before and after a workout? Here is what I’ve currently been consuming: 90 mins pre workout I try to eat .25 grams of carbs and .25 grams of protein. This meal depends on your tolerance before exercising. Some days I feel like I need to eat, others I can eat much less and still get after a session. Then I like to guzzle down a pre workout on the ride to the gym. This never changes. Love my pre workout! Directly after a workout I always go for a protein shake. Fueling immediately post workout helps the body repair and fuel right away. Once the post workout shake is down the hatch I usually give it an hour then have an adequate size meal consisting of lean protein and complex carbs. Your anabolic window is 3-4 hours post workout so be sure to make the most of it! Now I’m preparing for bed, and 8 hours of sleep is the most important time for your body to recover. I never want to go to bed hungry. This is a great opportunity for a casein shake (sometimes I go for cottage cheese) and a healthy fat like an avocado. To note, this is from my personal preference after lots of research. Find what’s right for you, even if it takes lots of trial and error.
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Why do you workout?

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Why do you workout?

I get asked this question all the time. People seem to notice my dedication and wonder why I do it. Honestly, there are so many reasons I don’t even know where toĀ begin to explain. Iā€™m sure we all have different thoughts on this. Maybe its to achieve your “dream body”. Maybe to get in shape for the big day or to get healthy for your whole life? Maybe it’s toĀ feel comfortable and confident in your own skin?

I was actually thinking about this in the shower the other day. Aside from the many reasons, one really stood out. There are so many things in this world that we have no control of, but one thing we do. We have full and total control over our bodies. (Besides diseases like cancer- you suck!) I know what youā€™re thinkingā€¦control freak? But seriously, we have full control of what we eat, how we take care of our hygiene, andĀ how we treat our body. No one forced you to eat a big mac, or eat some chicken and broccoli for that matter. But this is why I workout. To have full control of my body and to see the amazing results of Ā all the hard work and dedication. I workout to be the absolute best I can be inside and out. To be a healthy, glowing, strong women. Your body is a reflection of your lifestyle. So why not treat it well!

The amount of endorphin’s after a workout doesn’t hurt either. Do you ever get that feeling that you just have to get to the gym to complete your day, or better yet feel better after a stressful day? Iā€™m one of those people who walk out of the gym with a whole new attitude and smile on my face. I donā€™t know what I would do without this lifestyle! Exercise doesn’t get in the way of life, it adds to it.

So itā€™s your turn. Why do YOU workout? Please do share in the comments!

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Don’t forget to enter the Thermos filtration bottle giveaway!Ā 

Thanks for reading!!

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Amanda Latona Booty Workout

First of all, I’m a huge fan of Amanda Latona. Secondly, I have always had a teeny tiny butt my whole life and have been working so incredibly hard for that “Amanda Latona booty”. I recently tried thisĀ workout which I read in Oxygen on my flight home a few days ago. I had no intention of posting the full workout, but WOW am I sore. No wonder she’s called the “Booty queen”. My legs and glutes have never been this sore in my life. The “I can barely walk, I look crippled” type of sore. But, it hurts so good and had to share with you guys!

Here’s what I did:

  • Hack Squat 4×10
  • Walking dumbell kickback lunge superset with dumbell step-up 3×12 each leg
  • Bulgarian dumbell split squat 4×10 each leg
  • Barbell hip thrust 4×12
  • Cable abductor superset with cable kickback 3×12

*In between each set do 12-15 jump squats (if you want to be carried out of the gym)

If you aren’t sure of what each exercise looks like, search on bodybuilding.com for pictures and how-to’s.


I dare you…try this workout and let me know what you think! Remember, if your not sore you didnt work hard enough. Push yourself and see the changes start to happen! I have FINALLY been able to grow my glutes, with a little determination, passion and drive. Lift heavy weights, eat, eat, eat and drink tons of water. Watch your body change. If I can do it, so can you.

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