
Treadmill Interval Training

More often than not, I am bored out of my mind on a treadmill. Staying in the same spot for 30 minutes or more seems so monotonous, but often times I neglect getting outdoors for a run and stick to the treadmill. Interval training not only adds excitement to my workout but also leads to a calorie burn way more effective than running the same pace. Ditch the constant pace and pick it up a notch with interval training! Or experiment with both and see the difference in calorie burn.

Try this interval workout and let us know what you think!treadmill

Remember to always start with a warm up, and end with a cool down. You can also add an incline to pick it up a notch. Keep in mind that this pace (MPH) listed may not be suitable for some, so please adjust to your own physical ability.

(Disclaimer: This blog is meant to follow my lifestyle of health and fitness, and inspire others who may be on the same journey. All opinions are my own and not everything I post may be right for you. Anything I discuss is what I believe and I am not responsible for errors or omissions. I am not a certified trainer or nutritionist. Anything posted relating to these fields are my beliefs and what has worked for me. Thank you for your support!)

Emerald 12k Across the Bay

 We had an absolute blast this past weekend at the Emerald Across the Bay 12k. Celebrating St. Patty’s with beautiful weather, gorgeous views and an 8 mile run is pure bliss. Being its 30th year running and with over 4,000 participants, I would have to say this is my favorite race I have been a part of. Starting off in Sausalito, running across the Golden Gate bridge and ending in San Francisco’s Aquatic Park, made up for the nasty 250 foot climb in the first 2 miles. I was barely prepared for the run, but the excitement took over.

(most photos c/o Gene Cohn Photography)

It was my pleasure to be put in charge of our sponsorship events for Diamond Foods (Emerald) and this was my first event of many. I think I have a new passion for event planning…especially when it’s in the fitness realm.

To sign up for next year’s Emerald Across the Bay 12k visit:

Thanks for reading!! xo

Fit Gal: Jessica!

Periodically featuring amazing women on a quest for health and fitness is my favorite part of Fitness & the City. I have met some amazing gals through blogging, and Jessica is one of them. She is an excellent writer, is absolutely hilarious, and just so happens to be a health and fitness enthusiast as well. All of which can be found on her blog: Wonder Whats Next. So allow me to introduce her to you, Fit Gal Jessica.

Tell us about yourself and your fitness lifestyle.
I’m a 20-something post-grad trying to figure out how to be a “grown up” and everything that comes along with that. I grew up being very active. I was part of the “go play outside” generation, so I did! I also played sports and cheered in high school. I ate whatever I wanted whenever I wanted. Pizza at midnight? You bet. After going to college I was no longer obligated to stay in shape and I let that fall by the wayside. However, I continued eating whatever I wanted whenever I wanted! One day it just clicked with me that my weight and my health had gotten completely out of hand and it was time to take control of it. I slowly began working toward living a healthier lifestyle and I haven’t looked back.

What are your fitness goals and how are you working towards them?
Originally, my goal was to lose about 20 pounds. Well, I did that and then some and now I’m working to maintain that by setting new goals. I want to lean out and someday I want abs! I’m a sucker for cardio, but I’ve recently began to incorporate more weight training. Because of that I haven’t seen the number on the scale go down very much, but I have noticed areas of my body looking more toned and my clothes fitting a little looser. 🙂

Do you “eat clean”?
I eat as clean as I can. I’m a girl on a budget, so sometimes that’s tough. I try to keep the processed stuff out of my diet and always read my labels. If I’m not sure what it’s my food it, I won’t eat it or I’ll put in the research to find out what it is. I incorporate as many fruits and vegetables and lean proteins as I can! I’m also a distributor for a health and fitness supplement company, so I have a lot of shakes and things of that nature to keep me on track when life gets busy.

In what ways do you stay active?
I love group fitness! Turbo Kick, R.I.P.P.E.D., Body Pump, I love it all! There’s something about having a room full of people that silently motivates me and always pushes me to do better. I always find myself competing with the person next to me. One of my goals is to run a half marathon, so I’m trying to incorporate more running to help me reach that goal.

What inspires you to live this lifestyle?
My family! There have been a lot of health related changes over recent years and that was a wake-up call for me. This is the only body I’m ever going to have and I need to take care of it so I can be around for my family now and the family of my own I will (hopefully!) have someday. Aside from my family as a whole, my mom is a huge inspiration for me. We have taken this journey together for the most part and we are always motivating each other to do better. I’m also doing this for myself. By losing weight and getting stronger I gained so much confidence. I don’t ever want to lose that, so every day I get out there and bust my butt and try to be better than I was the day before.

Thank you Jessica for your inspiration!

Be sure to head over to her blog:

Lots of love to you all, Jenna

Clean Eating: put simply


I have been getting a ton of questions regarding the basics. “What is clean eating?” “How can I eat clean?” I know I use that phrase a lot, so lets back it up a bit and get down to the basics.

So what’s the hype around “eating clean?” I am no expert, but I have done my fair share of research and experimentation with this subject. My body is a constant experiment and what you put in it is SO important to your health and well-being. So, put simply, clean eating is just a way to talk about what you are eating. This is not a diet or a short-term thing, but more of a lifestyle. This way of eating incorporates un-processed foods, with no chemicals. Food that is at it’s natural state, without going through a factory. This means eating your fruits and veggies, whole grains and lean proteins rather than pre-packaged, processed or fast foods. In all reality, there are no fitness goals that can be achieved without it. Without a clean diet, exercise can be mostly ineffective. (eek!)

There are so many benefits to eating clean, as I have said a million times I’m sure. But I am so passionate about this stuff and can’t stress the importance enough. I have been an avid gym-goer for quite some time, but I wasnt putting the right things into my body, therefore I saw no results. I was “working out to eat”, I guess you could say. To see results, you MUST eat clean, energize your body with the right foods, which will in turn set you up for success. Sorry if this is information you are already aware of, but many are unaware, as was I a year or so ago. Set yourself up for success and eat clean!

“It’s not about finding the right diet, but adopting the right lifestyle.”

To get you started here are some basic foods groups which play a big act in this lifestyle:

  • Protein Sources: chicken, turkey, fish, egg whites, greek yogurt, protein powder
  • Whole Grains– whole grain breads, ezekial bread, whole grain oats, brown rice, quinoa
  • Veggies– brocoli, green beans, asparagus, cauliflower, pretty much any plants!
  • Fruits– visit this site to learn more about what fruits are low in sugar
  • Healthy Fats– nut butters, avocado, almonds
  • Sugar– Have you heard that saying “eat less sugar, you’re sweet enough already”? Enough said. 🙂

Food is a big ticket to health. If you eat like garbage you will feel like garbage. Does this seem a bit overwhelming? There is a lot of information out there and I’m sure it’s a lot to take in. But keep it simple. Take baby steps. Don’t go from one extreme to the other. This is a learning process for everyone, including fitness models and competitors! I am still learning a ton of different things on a daily basis. However, it so is important to know, that one thing may work for some, but not for others. Each of us is different, and you should find the right thing for you. It’s a constant journey and we are in this together! Most importantly, have fun with it! (Can you tell via my Facebook and IG that I am having a ball experimenting with new foods?)

Here are some tips to get you started:

To read more visit my favorite site for information:

Enjoy your weekend and thanks for reading! xo

in the spirit

In the spirit of Valentines day, (my favorite holiday) I am dying to share what made our day so special! Some of you may despise this “love” day, others swoon, but I’m a romantic so I couldn’t help myself! I spent the evening with my love.  He has been so supportive with my fitness passions, life and journeys, I can’t thank him enough. Jeff, you are the most amazing spirit and I am so lucky to call you my best friend, boyfriend and true love. I am a big believer that a girl should receive flowers and love everyday of the year, and he makes this happen! Spoiled and very lucky I am!  And can’t forget my Dad…he always has and always will be my #1 Valentine. 🙂

Here is a recap of a few special moments:the dress (from Asos, on sale!)

The beautiful roses and phenomenal food at Fleur de Lys in San Francisco. A Hubert Keller Restaurant, this place is 5 star, and the food IS all that it’s cracked up to be!

Among other wonderful gifts, I decided to make this cute fruit bowl, instead of your average heart chocolates. Thank you Pinterest for this idea! Corny, I know…but he loved it! Did I tell you, that I am giving up chocolate, cheese and alcohol for Lent?! Yes, you heard that right! I am giving up ALL 3…they are my biggest weakness and I decided to do it big this year for a healthier 2013! Wish me luck. 🙂

My brand new Nike pants that he surprised me with! Can you tell that we LOVE health and fitness?! Can’t wait to hit the gym with these babies today!

Leaving you with this cute little saying that I found via Instagram. 🙂

 I hope you all had a fabulous Valentine’s Day and thanks for reading!

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