
Why Lemon Water is a Must!

Lemon water is a great way to get in your gallon a day! Water hydrates while lemon revs your metabolism. This is a fitness must! My parents brought on my obsession with lemon water, they are so creative with adding all sorts of fruit to create something a little different from the ordinary. Start your day off on the right foot with a glass in the morning to refresh, revitalize and hydrate! I’m telling you, it does wonders for your body, skin and energy levels! Here’s how:

  • Boosts your immune system
  • Balances pH levels
  • Flushes out unwanted materials
  • Decreases wrinkles and blemishes (woohoo!)
  • Cures sore throat, especially when you mix with honey
  • Aids with weight loss(!!!)
  • Stimulate digestion and adds vitamin C
  • Reduces Fever

(Photo c/o The Culinary Tribune)

Instead of soda, lemonade or any sugary drinks, I love the idea of creating flavored ice cubes! For a fun summery drink, make flavored ice cubes by adding lemon, mint, blueberries, strawberries, pineapples, pomegranate seeds, cucumbers (pretty much anything) to your ice-cube trays and freeze.  Delish!

Happy Monday and thanks for reading!!

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May Motivation: 30 Miles in 30 Days & More Link Ups

Who’s with me to join a “30 miles in 30 days” Challenge?! I stumbled upon this link up through Lynda at Fitnessmomwinecoutry, and hosted by the Nikki at The Pink Growl. What a great idea, right? Lets get each other motivated to run!

Just grab the button and join in…or log your miles and share with us! Let’s do big things in May!

I am going to aim high this month as I prep for a (possible) half marathon. Let’s say 40 miles, can I do it?! I will keep you guys posted. 🙂

Here is another challenge which my Mom and I are doing, and many of you may be interested in. The 30 day smoothie challenge is brought to you by a great site called Health is Happiness. Check it out here.

Link up time! Here are some other blogs that I read on a daily basis that you may enjoy as well:



Happy Motivation May!! Let’s do it big this month, challenge ourselves and make progress towards our goals!

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Booty Build Workout!

Summer is just around the corner and I know all you ladies want a firm, tight, little booty. (Why do I feel so naughty saying that?) Well, ok…I’m sure the guys want to see that as well. So here’s the deal. Muscle building does not come from hours of cardio or squats using your own body weight. You must push yourself with heavy weights, ideally 1 or 2 times a week.

I always dedicate specific days to each muscle group, rather than doing full body workouts in one session. This gives you more energy to dedicate to one body part, allowing you to build the muscle to its maximum potential. Here is an example of my ideal weekly routine:

  • Monday- Chest/Cardio
  • Tuesday- Arms/Cardio
  • Wednesday- Legs/Glutes, no Cardio
  • Thursday- Cardio
  • Friday- Rest
  • Saturday- Back/Cardio
  • Sunday- Rest

As you can see, I don’t train my shoulders because this usually causes too much strain leaving me with a headache the next day. This is just my personal opinion, so shoulder exercises may work for you. Dont forget to switch your routine every so often so your body doesn’t get used to the same workouts leading to no change. Give your body some new excitement and it will adjust accordingly.

Needless to say, my leg/glutes day is definitely my favorite. I can do without cardio, although I love to run. But working my legs and glutes gives me some sort of indescribable satisfaction. I have always had the smallest glute muscles (which is the opposite problem for most women) but with this workout once a week, (twice if I have time) has given me a much more defined, rounder and larger (in a good way) “bottom”.


Instead of just going through the motions, push yourself with this workout and you will burn a ton of calories! Most importantly, use weights that are challenging for you. If you are a set of 10, use heavier weights than if you are doing a set of 15. Give yourself 1-2 minutes of rest in between each set, pay close attention to proper form, and have fun with it! If you stick to this 30-45 minute session, once or twice a week, you will see change!

After this workout it is crucial to go home and refuel. It’s best to head straight for a protein shake, or meal including protein, veggies and whole grains. I know so many women who don’t eat anything after a workout, but unfortunately that will only burn off the hard-earned muscle you just worked so eagerly for. At the gym, you are breaking down the muscle tissue, but after the gym with proper sleep and nutrition is when you build that muscle to be stronger than before. Your activities outside of working out are just as important as the hour your spend at the gym. Nourish your body and it will rebuild the muscle you have broken down. Does that make sense?

If you are unsure of any of these exercises, refer to for examples and explanations.


(I wish I could find a ‘before’ picture so we can compare…but find me on Instagram!)

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This blog is meant to follow my lifestyle of health and fitness, and inspire others who may be on the same journey. All opinions are my own and not everything I post may be right for you. Anything I discuss is what I believe and I am not responsible for errors or omissions. I am not a certified trainer or nutritionist. Anything posted relating to these fields are my beliefs and what has worked for me. Thank you for your support!

April Fitness Goals

Let’s talk goals. Do you set long-term or short-term goals for yourself? Goal setting has just come up at work, as we approach a new quarter. Ok, so job related goals aren’t as exciting as fitness or personal for that matter, BUT extremely beneficial. So I usually start off my week with a couple of goals in mind (partially because I am uber organized). Some consist of food prepping on Sunday nights following church, others consist of planning my workout schedule for the week, or as simple as doing my weekly laundry ritual. Sounds a little monotonous but you get the point. What about fitness related goals? I have found that goal setting is another way to set yourself up for success. Actually, I like to think it’s the only way to be successful. So with that said, I like to set my long-term and short-term goals for the month and see how they pan out.

I find that sharing them with you all keeps me accountable, and acts as a journal in sense. Hopefully my personal goals will get you thinking and lead you to jot some down as well.

Short Term Goals:

  • Drink 1 gallon or more water/day
  • Bring my lunch and snacks to work each day this week
  • Continue to build muscle through heavy lifting
  • Prep for my 10k this coming weekend
  • Only have 2-3 cheat meals per week
  • Drink one cup of green tea/day

Long Term:

  • Run a half marathon this year
  • Schedule a photo shoot (to get me 110% committed)
  • Obtain my personal training certification (I have already purchased the classes!!)
  • Spend more time bloggging, attending expos and exploring other outlets
  • Help someone else achieve their fitness goals

Above all have fun with it! I wouldn’t be 100% dedicated if I didn’t absolutely love what I am working for. This journey has been so exciting for me and I can only hope to grow in the fitness world, gain as much knowledge as possible and enjoy every minute.

This is a very appropriate time to give a big shout-out to a woman who is the ultimate goal setter and motivating me to get my butt in gear. My lovely Mom decided to set a large goal for herself last year as she has become more and more interested in organized running events. She decided to find at least (1) 5k per month to run in our local area. This month, I was blown away with her commitment to running (3) 5ks and (1) 10k! She has outdone herself and I am so happy for her. Mom, you’re the best! Now would you commit to running an organized race each month?

It’s your turn, get thinking about how to accomplish your goals. Another thing to remember, it’s about the journey as much as the outcome, so enjoy the ride! The dedication, commitment and belief in yourself is the most exciting part. So, believe in yourself a little more and it will be so worth it in the end.

Thanks for reading!!

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Women Who Run San Francisco Interview

I recently had the honor to interview and be featured over at Women Who Run an Francisco.

Jessica Schimm, a journalist here in San Francisco, ‘started this blog about a year and a half ago on Tumblr and created the foundation to what she hopes will become the number one resource for fun, intelligent, highly driven, working women, who are “running” the city of San Francisco.’ Jessica comments that “the core of this blog is to write profiles on women who have shown strength or confidence in one way or another,  prevailed/endured hardship, started a new endeavor or who have an incredible talent.  I am ultimately looking to highlight women who are working hard to make a positive difference in their communities or are taking charge of their own future.”

I am so honored and grateful of this feature as I can only hope that this will encourage more women to take charge of your future with confidence, follow your passions and believe in yourself a little more.

To read my interview:

(photo by Jessica Schimm)

Thanks for reading!!

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