
Happy Walnut Cookies

Are you looking for an extremely simple, quick and healthy cookie recipe to accompany your family over the holidays? This is it!! Like I have said before, I am not great in the kitchen, but these are do-able and SO delicious! They contain mostly walnuts, very little wheat flour and flax seeds which are excellent for your health and well-being.

Happy Walnut Cookie Recipe:

Heat oven to 350


2 1/2 cup rough chopped walnuts

2/3 cup whole wheat flour

1/3 cup ground flax-seed

1 t salt


1/2 cup plus 2 T maple syrup

2 t vanilla

(I also added a little peppermint candy cane simply because I was in the holiday spirit)

Bake for 12-15 minutes

This recipe was created by Dr. Neil Nedley for his many patients who told him their struggles with depression. The walnuts and flax-seed are high in omega-3, which research shows improves mental outlook.

 For more information about Dr. Nedley visit his website.

Happy and healthy holidays to you! xo, Jenna

Happy Thanksgiving!



Happy turkey day to you and your family! Although we should give thanks all year round, today I wanted to thank all of you for reading and supporting the blog. It means the world to me and I am very grateful for all of you. Have fun today, as you can run, exercise and kick some butt tomorrow!

Cheers to health and happiness, xo Jenna


Exciting News!

I am so excited to announce something new and exciting for the blog! I have had many conversations recently with different people about their fitness lifestyle, what they do to stay fit, how they eat clean and their personal success stories and tips. So I thought it would be super fun to share other gals stories with my readers!

So here it is- I will have a super awesome, exciting and dedicated featured “Fit Gal” each week who will provide you with their story and answer a few questions I have for them. These gals are super sweet, fitness fanatics, and I am positive you will love them! You will learn different paths to success, how others are working toward their goals and learn how you can relate to their fitness lifestyle as you may be on the same journey.

I believe that we are all on the same path here and working together, sharing struggles, as well as success stories is what our community should be all about. We can all benefit from each other in one way or another.

If you would like to be a featured “Fit Gal” here on Fitness and the City, please email me at and we can get you on here as well. I would love to have you! You don’t have to be a fitness model or bikini competitor, just someone who is on our same journey to bettering your life through health and fitness.

Stayed tuned for our very first Fit Gal…she is a very close friend of mine and I can’t wait to introduce her to you!

xo, Jenna

Staying Active in the Office

Sitting at a desk 8-5 can be hard on your body, let me tell ya. Making sure that your posture is correct is a must, but I’ve been also thinking about ways to stay active on the job. Unfortunately, I don’t have my own office where I can bust out the hand weights once in a while, which would be great. A lot of studies have come out regarding health risks for those who work in an office environment, so that has got me thinking. What are some ways to keep active on the job?

  • Replace your chair with a fitness ball. I would love to do this! When you have no choice but to sit you can get in a mini workout this way. With a ball you’re forced to use your core muscles to keep you upright, rather than slouching over as you would in a chair. Another reason why I would love my own office. 🙂
  • Burn calories while you commute to work. Are you able to walk or ride a bike to work? If you are close enough, stop being lazy and do so! In my case, I am forced to take the bus, but walking to a farther bus stop would get the calories burning a bit.
  • Book a walking meeting. Instead of ordering food while meeting around a conference room table, take a walk outside with your coworkers. This can also boost your mood and may even encourage more creativity.
  • Stop IMing and get up and walk over to your coworkers desk. If you are in a huge office as I am, I tend to pick up the phone or IM a coworker with a question or concern. Instead I should be walking over to their desk and taking the stairs over the elevator. This is much more productive! And yes, I have been guilty of taking the elevators up and down one floor. 🙂
  • Hit the gym at lunchtime. This is my fav! If I am able to get out for lunch or an hour break, I head right over to the gym for a quick workout. Follow your sweat sesh with a healthy meal that you can eat at your desk while you get back to work. This also helps me to clear my head, feel better about the afternoon and able to tackle the tasks that come to my desk.
  • For those of you more fortunate, you can even stash some exercise equipment under your desk and whip out some bicep curls or other easy movements. May seem a little silly, but I have seen this done! Stretching at your desk is also a great way to break up the energy a bit and make your body feel a whole lot better throughout the day.
  • Also, since we are talking about keeping healthy in our offices, another little tip that I have been doing a lot lately, is bringing my own lunch! I was notorious for grabbing lunch out every work day, but in fact ordering a salad can still bump up the calories. It’s best to know exactly what ingredients are in the food your eating, and making your own lunch is the best way to do so. On Monday’s I try to cook my own chicken and veggie or brown rice and put them in containers for the next couple of days. This way my lunch is ready to go. I also bring in my own greek yogurt each morning, so I am sure to feed my body with the best energy boosting foods it needs.

Thoughts? Do you work in an office environment where you have the ability to administer these types of activities? We need to make more people aware that sitting at a desk all day is terrible for your body and health and there are ways to help this!

I have also added a new page to the blog! It’s called “Workout Log”. I will be keeping track of my daily workouts here, as I think it’s important to keep track of my daily routine as well as have everything in one place and accessible to others.

Do you keep a workout log? If so, do you use a particular program or jot it down on paper?

Happy Friday and have a great weekend! xo,J

Clean Eating Grocery List

Ok, so it’s that time of the week again. Time to do a little grocery shopping this evening. I’m not gonna lie, it’s not my favorite thing in the world, but now that I am watching what I pick up at the store, I am SO much more interested. Remember, eating clean is a must, and if you buy the right foods you will eat the right foods. Abs are made in the kitchen people. 🙂

Below I wanted to share what is on my full shopping list which I usually print out and bring with me to keep me on track, and not wandering off into the junk food sections!

Protein Options

  • Eggs
  • Boneless/skinless chicken breasts (I pick up every time!)
  • Lean ground turkey
  • Canned tuna (in water always)
  • Plain nonfat cottage cheese
  • Plain nonfat greek yogurt
  • Non fat cheese sticks
  • Salmon

Veggie Options

  • Brocoli
  • Asparagus
  • Spinach
  • Kale (need to start eating more of this!)
  • Bell peppers
  • Mushrooms
  • Cauliflower
  • Artichoke
  • Green beans
  • Brussel sprouts
  • Zucchini
  • Cucumber


  • Apples
  • Pears
  • Strawberries
  • Blueberries
  • Raspberries (huge fan of berries as you can tell!)
  • Tomatoes (some can say it’s a veggie, some fruit, who knows!)
  • Pineapple
  • Watermelon (if in season)

Complex Carb Options

  • Low carb/low sugar cereal
  • Quinoa
  • Brown rice
  • Whole wheat bread
  • Sweet potato

Healthy Fat Options

  • Natural peanut butter or almond butter
  • Olive oil
  • Walnuts
  • Almonds
  • Avocado


  • Water! (If you don’t have a brita or water filter)
  • Unsweetened almond milk
  • Green tea
  • Coffee


  • Balsamic vinegar
  • Mustard
  • Salsa
  • Cinnamon
  • Zero calorie sweetener
  • Pepper
  • Salt

I also tend to pick up multi vitamins and protein powder (usually Muscle Milk).

Other helpful tips

  • Try to stay away from the alcohol! I sometimes will give in and buy a bottle of wine, but alcohol promotes fat storage- more details about that later.
  • Dont go on an empty stomach!
  • Just because its says low-fat doesn’t mean it is healthy!

One thing that I have learned is that eating healthy absolutely does not have to be expensive. Stores like Trader Joes have all of this food available at low prices. Please don’t ever think that it will cost a fortune to eat clean, because you can always stick to minimum requirements or look for coupons for these items. If you stick to this list, cut out as much junk food and minimally eat out, you will see results. I have witnessed this first hand. I do have cheat meals so don’t get me wrong, I am only human (and also a HUGE chocoholic and full Italian who loves my pasta) but I try my very hardest to stick to this list as much as possible.

I may also be leaving a few things out, some I may not like or others I just don’t know about, so please don’t be shy to leave me a comment and give other suggestions!

Thank you for reading! I hope this clean eating list will help you to choose all of the right options that work for you as they have worked for me!

xo, Jenna


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