
What I Ate Wednesday #2 (#WIAW)

Happy Wednesday! I am linking up with Peas and Crayons for my 2nd edition of What I Ate Wednesday. I usually try to eat 5-6 meals a day, plenty of protein, veggies and complex carbs.  It may seem like a lot of food, but my metabolism has sky-rocketed and I seem to be hungry every 3 hours. (That’s a good thing though!) Also, smaller portions more times a day is what I’m going for. So here’s what I ate:

I have been eating tons of tilapia lately. Just season with pepper or Mrs. Dash and you’re good to go.

I made this “salad” in a large batch and have been eating it throughout the week. It’s tomatoes, sweet potatoes, onions, bell peppers and zucchini topped with a little balsamic vinegar. And of course chicken on the side. 🙂

I got a huge box delivered from my fav company FITzee foods and this enchilada is one of theirs. You can read more about FITzee here and here.

Heading out for a run to prep for the Live Ultimate Run on Sunday, then to an 8pm bikram yoga class at Body Temp Yoga SF. How are you staying active today?

Thanks for reading!!

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Portion Size / Live Ultimate Run

Happy Friday! Hope you all had a great week!  It’s a never-ending battle with me to get my portions correct, so I thought this chart would be a huge help not only to you guys, but myself included.  These portions look teeny tiny but keep in mind you should be eating 5-6 small meals a day! This is a HUGE issue when going out to restaurants. Most places load up the portions, leaving you the option to finish the whole thing. My personal advice: take half home with you! No need to be overly stuffed. This will only eliminate the “6 meals a day” theory.

So keep it small. Keep it simple and enjoy!

(source unknown, via Pinterest)

Do you guys think that our portions are too large here in America compared to other countries?


Alright guys, it’s official. I am a Live Ultimate Run Ambassador! Looking forward to many fun events with this team!

The 5k and Quarter Marathon take place on June 30th, right here in San Francisco. If you live in the area, please join me!

Follow this link and use code: AmbassadorJenna for 10% off your entry!

Looking forward to June 30th!!

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Juice Your Way to a Healthier Lifestyle!

Juicing… I’m pretty excited about it at the moment! My mom sparked my interest, as she has been on this 30 day juice cleanse. She has been making smoothies as a lunch meal replacement and has seen amazing results! Weight loss, increased energy levels and my Dad’s blood pressure has never been so low since he started juicing! Keep in mind, that you need to make sure you are getting the correct nutrients and fiber, but juicing just one meal a day has been the leading factor of our family’s healthier lifestyle. In fact, we bought my Mom this gem for Mother’s day.  Juicing with an actual juicer as opposed to a normal blender makes ALL the difference. The smoothies are fresh and full of nutrients! We spent most of Mother’s day experimenting with different smoothie recipes…delish!

To read more about the 30 Day Smoothie Challenge via, click here.

So, why juice?

  • Juicing is an easy and delicious way to add more fruits and veggies to your diet.
  • Prevent diet related diseases and premature aging by increasing your daily consumption of fruits and vegetables and decreasing your intake of meats and dairy.
  • Studies show cancer, diabetes, stroke and heart disease may be prevented or lessened if certain components found in a plant-based diet are added to your daily diet.
  • Fresh juices provide the proteins, carbohydrates, essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients vital to good health.
  • The advantages of adding fruits and veggies to your daily diet include: a. increased energy; b. strengthened immune system; c. reduced risk of disease; d. stronger bones; e. glowing complexion.
  • Without juicing, it is nearly impossible to consume the amount of nutrition needed to naturally reduce the risk of cancer, disease and stroke. For instance 16 ounces of carrot juice provides the carotene equivalent to approximately three pounds of carrots.
  • A mid-morning or mid-day juice is a great natural source for an energy boost.
  • Stave off binge eating or overeating by drinking juice between and prior to mealtimes.
  • Once you start experiencing the benefits of juicing, it becomes easy to incorporate a variety of juices into your daily diet.
  • Fresh Juices v/s Whole Fruits and Veggies:
    Did you know pressed juices as opposed to masticated juices retain the naturally occurring fibers found in whole fruits and vegetables? Fiber refers to the indigestible materials found in plants. While this is very important for proper bowel function, it is the juice that nourishes us. Our body converts the food we eat into juice so it can be absorbed. Juicing allows for quick absorption of concentrated plant-based nutrients. The result is increased energy levels.
  • Fresh Juice v/s Canned, Bottled or Frozen:
    Fresh juice is far superior to its processed and pasteurized counterpart. Fresh juice contains living enzymes that have not been killed during the pasteurization process, and provide a natural source of Vitamins A, C and E for boosting the immune system. Fresh juice promotes cardiovascular health and is proven to increase energy by the nearly instant assimilation of nutrients into the bloodstream. Fresh fruits and vegetables in raw juice are full of anti-oxidants which help cleanse the body, hence improving the body’s overall function.


Since we’re on the subject…many friends have been ranting and raving about Dr. Oz’s 3-Day Detox Cleanse. Have you heard of it, tried it or have any thoughts? It seems to require a lot of food, so I think I may give it a try and track my results!


Here is a fun guide to smoothies via

I’m obviously pro-juicing but I am sure there are some people out there that are opposed…especially if you are juicing every single meal.  So keep in mind these are my thoughts and personal findings, I am not a nutritionist. Bottom line, do your research! 🙂

Here are some interesting articles I’ve found in relation:

If you have any more information to share, please do so & happy juicing! 🙂

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What’s the craze behind NatureBox?

Ever heard of the simple, yet brilliant concept called NatureBox? If, you haven’t I feel sorry for you. But really, this is the most amazing business concept ever!

What is NatureBox? It is a monthly membership package that delivers 5 healthy snacks to your house each month. These aren’t just any snacks, but nutritionist approved. They contain NO artificial sweeteners, colors, flavors, no trans fats and no high fructose corn syrup.

Why sign up? Because its only $19.99/ month and delivers straight to your door. BUT, the best reason….these snacks are SO good! I can’t even begin to tell you how amazing they each taste. It is almost impossible to walk into a grocery store and pick up a snack in a bag that is all natural and healthy.

Suggestion to NatureBox: Please sell your snacks by the bags! We want more! 🙂

This post is NOT sponsored  by Naturebox. I am simply sharing this information because I truly believe in their mission and love their products: “NatureBox helps you eat healthier without needing to change your eating habits. We focus on snacks because that’s the easiest habit to change. Do you know that the average American eats almost 25% of their calories from snacking? In fact, snacking is the leading cause of childhood obesity. NatureBox helps you get more out of your day without wasting calories on the bad stuff.”

Enough said. Get your box here. 🙂

Have a great week!!

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April Fitness Goals

Let’s talk goals. Do you set long-term or short-term goals for yourself? Goal setting has just come up at work, as we approach a new quarter. Ok, so job related goals aren’t as exciting as fitness or personal for that matter, BUT extremely beneficial. So I usually start off my week with a couple of goals in mind (partially because I am uber organized). Some consist of food prepping on Sunday nights following church, others consist of planning my workout schedule for the week, or as simple as doing my weekly laundry ritual. Sounds a little monotonous but you get the point. What about fitness related goals? I have found that goal setting is another way to set yourself up for success. Actually, I like to think it’s the only way to be successful. So with that said, I like to set my long-term and short-term goals for the month and see how they pan out.

I find that sharing them with you all keeps me accountable, and acts as a journal in sense. Hopefully my personal goals will get you thinking and lead you to jot some down as well.

Short Term Goals:

  • Drink 1 gallon or more water/day
  • Bring my lunch and snacks to work each day this week
  • Continue to build muscle through heavy lifting
  • Prep for my 10k this coming weekend
  • Only have 2-3 cheat meals per week
  • Drink one cup of green tea/day

Long Term:

  • Run a half marathon this year
  • Schedule a photo shoot (to get me 110% committed)
  • Obtain my personal training certification (I have already purchased the classes!!)
  • Spend more time bloggging, attending expos and exploring other outlets
  • Help someone else achieve their fitness goals

Above all have fun with it! I wouldn’t be 100% dedicated if I didn’t absolutely love what I am working for. This journey has been so exciting for me and I can only hope to grow in the fitness world, gain as much knowledge as possible and enjoy every minute.

This is a very appropriate time to give a big shout-out to a woman who is the ultimate goal setter and motivating me to get my butt in gear. My lovely Mom decided to set a large goal for herself last year as she has become more and more interested in organized running events. She decided to find at least (1) 5k per month to run in our local area. This month, I was blown away with her commitment to running (3) 5ks and (1) 10k! She has outdone herself and I am so happy for her. Mom, you’re the best! Now would you commit to running an organized race each month?

It’s your turn, get thinking about how to accomplish your goals. Another thing to remember, it’s about the journey as much as the outcome, so enjoy the ride! The dedication, commitment and belief in yourself is the most exciting part. So, believe in yourself a little more and it will be so worth it in the end.

Thanks for reading!!

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