
#12WBT Review / Where I Am Today

The time has come… my Michelle Bridges body transformation project  has come to an end. So excited to say I made it 4 weeks, without missing a single workout and maybe had only about 1 or 2 hiccups with additional cheats/treats. It has really been a great experience and I am so proud and thrilled to say that I feel great!

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I obviously haven’t mastered my posing, but I feel much tighter in my core, my arms and legs are much more defined and my head is in the right place. I wasn’t looking to loose much weight, but I did end up losing 3 pounds.

Where I am today….

+My workouts are consistent. I have gotten used to the 6 day/week routine and rest day Sundays. I wont have a problem keeping this up because the feeling after an amazing workout is what I love most.

+Love having a Saturday super session. For those of you who follow my social media may have seen some of those 1000+ calorie burns on my heart rate monitor. AMAZING workouts…and never thought it was possible to burn that many calories in only 1 hour 15-30 mins!! More to come in upcoming posts about that intense calorie burn…

+Consistency with having 1 cheat meal on Saturdays. Never thought the day would come when I can hold off all week for that one glorious meal. It’s actually not as hard as it seems. Getting used to that habit makes it easier to resist a 3pm piece of candy everyday. It is possible, just takes time to adapt!

+I learned to pay more attention to portion sizes and how many calories I’m actually taking in. 1500 calories/day was hard at first but my stomach shrunk pretty quick and that amount became pretty satisfying.

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A few things that could improve…

+This plan didn’t emphasize the 6 small meals a day rule. Rather, there was a designed breakfast, lunch and dinner with a few small snacks in between. I really believe in having 6-7 small meals a day and feel like I would have seen more results if that was the case.

+This plan would be absolutely GREAT for beginners who are looking to change their lifestyle and getting you through the steps. However, I was sort of lacking in the more advanced nutrition plans. I would have loved to see workouts and meal plans catered to a specific individual and their nutritional needs.

I really truly feel that this plan gives you all the tools you need to change your lifestyle and makes it easy to adapt. If you are considering a change or need an extra push, now is your chance!

Michelle’s FULL 12 week program goes live in the US in January 2014!! Sign ups for the first US round start on December 16th. Click here to learn more and reserve your spot!

Are you ready to take the plunge? I’m here to give you that extra push…. It is worth it, YOU are worth it! 🙂

Read more about my #12wbt here and here.
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