
How To Speed Up Your Metabolism / Paris Marathon!!

If you’ve been following the Facebook page, you’ve probably already heard my big news…but I am more than excited to tell you guys that I will be running the 2014 Paris Marathon in April!! This has been on my bucket list ever since I can remember and I am so excited to visit Paris for the first time, AND run my 2nd full marathon!! Have any of you been to Paris? If so, your recommendations for restaurants, shopping or any place to visit would be much appreciated! Can’t wait!!

(photo sources: unknown)


“How do you eat so much and manage to stay fit?” “How is your metabolism off the charts?!” Aside from a hearty workout regime,  building your metabolism takes time, but in turn allows you to constantly eat and burn fat while at rest.  Sure, a teeny percent has to do with age and genetics, but it is in your control to increase metabolism and shed the extra weight that you’ve been dying to get rid of! Here’s how to speed up your metabolism:

  1. Build muscle. Get in the weight room and lift those weights ladies and gents! The more muscle you gain, the faster your resting metabolic rate. Burn calories while sitting? Umm, count me in!
  2. Eat every 3 hours. If you eat more often, the faster your metabolism. Strange, but true. Make breakfast your most important meal and add protein! If you want a faster metabolism think protein. Here’s why. Your body burns twice as many calories digesting proteins than it does carbs. Think eggs or greek yogurt for breakfast and chicken or fish for lunch or dinner.
  3. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.  (and no not with alcohol). Dehydration leads to a slow metabolism! Studies have shown that cold water does the trick. Cold drinks force your body to work to warm up, which builds more energy.
  4. Use spices. Think cayenne, chillis, red pepper. Anything that makes you sweat means your metabolism has increased.
  5. Green tea, full of antioxidants and contains a plant compound called ECGC which promotes fat burning.
  6. Coffee. Caffeine stimulates your central nervous system and increases heart rate. Gotta love your cup o’ joe.

It’s important to remember that you can grab control of your future! Stop the I can’t and go with I can do this! Even when it comes to your metabolism, take control of it. Try these tips and don’t use your age, weight or genetics as an excuse. Speed up that metabolism, get moving and get healthy. MUAH!
 photo JennaSig_zpse9c98adc.png

Clean Eating: put simply


I have been getting a ton of questions regarding the basics. “What is clean eating?” “How can I eat clean?” I know I use that phrase a lot, so lets back it up a bit and get down to the basics.

So what’s the hype around “eating clean?” I am no expert, but I have done my fair share of research and experimentation with this subject. My body is a constant experiment and what you put in it is SO important to your health and well-being. So, put simply, clean eating is just a way to talk about what you are eating. This is not a diet or a short-term thing, but more of a lifestyle. This way of eating incorporates un-processed foods, with no chemicals. Food that is at it’s natural state, without going through a factory. This means eating your fruits and veggies, whole grains and lean proteins rather than pre-packaged, processed or fast foods. In all reality, there are no fitness goals that can be achieved without it. Without a clean diet, exercise can be mostly ineffective. (eek!)

There are so many benefits to eating clean, as I have said a million times I’m sure. But I am so passionate about this stuff and can’t stress the importance enough. I have been an avid gym-goer for quite some time, but I wasnt putting the right things into my body, therefore I saw no results. I was “working out to eat”, I guess you could say. To see results, you MUST eat clean, energize your body with the right foods, which will in turn set you up for success. Sorry if this is information you are already aware of, but many are unaware, as was I a year or so ago. Set yourself up for success and eat clean!

“It’s not about finding the right diet, but adopting the right lifestyle.”

To get you started here are some basic foods groups which play a big act in this lifestyle:

  • Protein Sources: chicken, turkey, fish, egg whites, greek yogurt, protein powder
  • Whole Grains– whole grain breads, ezekial bread, whole grain oats, brown rice, quinoa
  • Veggies– brocoli, green beans, asparagus, cauliflower, pretty much any plants!
  • Fruits– visit this site to learn more about what fruits are low in sugar
  • Healthy Fats– nut butters, avocado, almonds
  • Sugar– Have you heard that saying “eat less sugar, you’re sweet enough already”? Enough said. 🙂

Food is a big ticket to health. If you eat like garbage you will feel like garbage. Does this seem a bit overwhelming? There is a lot of information out there and I’m sure it’s a lot to take in. But keep it simple. Take baby steps. Don’t go from one extreme to the other. This is a learning process for everyone, including fitness models and competitors! I am still learning a ton of different things on a daily basis. However, it so is important to know, that one thing may work for some, but not for others. Each of us is different, and you should find the right thing for you. It’s a constant journey and we are in this together! Most importantly, have fun with it! (Can you tell via my Facebook and IG that I am having a ball experimenting with new foods?)

Here are some tips to get you started:

To read more visit my favorite site for information:

Enjoy your weekend and thanks for reading! xo

Ab Workout

Per popular request, I have put together my Go-To Ab Workout for you guys. This can be done at home or at the gym, with or without a handweight. Like I said, this is totally my go-to.  Abs are made in the kitchen, (I’m sure I have said this before) so you must also watch your diet to see results! Keep those abs tight and try this workout for maximum soreness!

{Photos compliments of}

1. Crunch with Chest press:


2. Vertical Leg Crunch: aka Toe Toucher; crunch up with a weight in hand for a little extra push:

3. Seated Russian Twist: twist from side to side; use handweight for a little something extra

4. Bicycle crunch:

5. Reverse Crunch:

6. Alternate Heel Touchers; side to side:

7. Scissor Kick:

8. Plank: hold for as long as possible and tighten your belly:

9. Side Plank aka Bridge:

10. Nose to Knee Crunch:

Enjoy! xo, Jenna

Tips for a Healthier Thanksgiving

Ok, so this seems to be the topic of the season, right? Thanksgiving only comes around once a year, and it seems to be on trend to splurge during the Holidays. But why do we feel the need to gain weight and eat more than needed? Why can’t we make it a healthier holiday while still giving thanks and enjoying the company of friends and family? Lets try to be guilt free as much as possible! Exercise more than usual, put your mind to it and enjoy the season free of guilt.

Here are some tips that have come to mind as we approach Thanksgiving:

1.  Get active! There are tons of organized runs going on during this time of year. Get registered to run or walk a 5k even if you are not a runner. Burn off those extra calories, both before and after meals. Take a walk, increase your steps, lengthen your fitness routine the weeks ahead and also the day of the feast. Make fitness a family adventure which you can all enjoy together.

2. Eat breakfast the day of. While it may make sense to save calories for the big meal, eating a small meal in the morning gives you more control over your appetite later in the day.

3. Lighten up the feast, with less fat, sugar and calories. This is easier if you are the one in the kitchen, but fat-free chicken broth, sugar substitutes, and less butter are just a few ways to make the meal a little less indulging.

4. Portions, portions, portions! Use portion control people! “If you’re hoping to keep this Thanksgiving from turning into another gut-busting affair, that’s what your plate should look like: a serving of turkey no larger than a deck of playing cards and half a cup each of two starches. (A half-cup is about the size of a computer mouse.) And that’s being generous…But Americans generally are clueless when it comes to proper portions, and on Thursday most will belly up instead to platters piled high with more calories and fat than an average person should eat all day.” Did you know that Americans are eating about 200 more calories per day than they did during the 1970s? Visualize your stomach; it’s about the size of two fists. If the food on your plate wont fit, cut back. To read more about portion control, click here.

5. Slow your roll and eat early. Enjoy your meal by eating it slower, which also gives you more time to digest and realize how full you actually are. Also, eat your meal on the early side, so you have time to digest before bed, or maybe even take a walk afterwards to get that metabolism moving.

Thanksgiving is a time to focus on family and friends, socializing and spending quality time together. It’s not all about the food! Although, it sure is delicious don’t focus on the meal, rather focus on those wonderful people you are surrounded by. Oh and one last very important thing, be realistic. Shift from a focus of weight loss to weight maintenance. You will be ahead of the game with a heavy mindset and can ultimately avoid gaining weight over the holidays if you put your mind to it!

How are you planning to practice these tips this coming season?

Enjoy the season and stay fit,




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