
Half Marathon Training Schedule & #runforboston

This happens to be a coincidence that just last week I signed up to do my 3rd half marathon. I was excited to reveal the news and share with you how I will be training up to the event, but now this seems to be a more somber post.

I woke up this morning with my eyes full of tears and my heart heavy, not only because I am a runner but because I am a human being. Who could do this? Who could be such a coward? My heart goes out  to all of you in Boston. Lets hold our loved ones closer today. I truly hope and pray for a safer world full of more love. To the victims, families and anyone who witnessed this horror, you are in our thoughts and prayers.

So do we keep on keeping on? Or do we let this terrify us into not taking part in any more races? I say we keep running and run in honor of those who lost their lives or were hurt at the Boston Marathon. I will be running all week for them, and I hope you join me!

With that said, I will be running the Grapes of Rock Half Marathon on June 8th! I went out on a limb with this one, and am already 7 weeks out. I have put together the below intermediate training schedule to get me where I would like to be.

Half Marathon Training Schedule

Monday’s and Wednesday’s are my “easy run” days, while Saturday I will be running a longer distance. C/T means Cross Training, which includes any form of fitness class, elliptical, stairmaster, or cardio besides running. Although it is not recommended to lift extremely heavy, I can’t go without my days of weight training, so I will be lifting a bit as well. (I also feel as my muscles get stronger, my run time decreases.)  Make sure to take rest days, as they are so important to let you body break and recoup from the runs. Professionals have said to start light, work up to long runs, then taper off just before the marathon.

Are any of you training for a half marathon?

Have a great week!!

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