
Why do you workout?

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Why do you workout?

I get asked this question all the time. People seem to notice my dedication and wonder why I do it. Honestly, there are so many reasons I don’t even know where to begin to explain. I’m sure we all have different thoughts on this. Maybe its to achieve your “dream body”. Maybe to get in shape for the big day or to get healthy for your whole life? Maybe it’s to feel comfortable and confident in your own skin?

I was actually thinking about this in the shower the other day. Aside from the many reasons, one really stood out. There are so many things in this world that we have no control of, but one thing we do. We have full and total control over our bodies. (Besides diseases like cancer- you suck!) I know what you’re thinking…control freak? But seriously, we have full control of what we eat, how we take care of our hygiene, and how we treat our body. No one forced you to eat a big mac, or eat some chicken and broccoli for that matter. But this is why I workout. To have full control of my body and to see the amazing results of  all the hard work and dedication. I workout to be the absolute best I can be inside and out. To be a healthy, glowing, strong women. Your body is a reflection of your lifestyle. So why not treat it well!

The amount of endorphin’s after a workout doesn’t hurt either. Do you ever get that feeling that you just have to get to the gym to complete your day, or better yet feel better after a stressful day? I’m one of those people who walk out of the gym with a whole new attitude and smile on my face. I don’t know what I would do without this lifestyle! Exercise doesn’t get in the way of life, it adds to it.

So it’s your turn. Why do YOU workout? Please do share in the comments!

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Don’t forget to enter the Thermos filtration bottle giveaway! 

Thanks for reading!!

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Holiday Season Thoughts


The holidays are right around the corner! Scary thought to think that the new year is almost here. This year seemed to fly by for me. Anyways, in the spirit of Thanksgiving, Christmas and New years, what are your thoughts about temptation this time of year? And by temptation I mean, all the sweets, and food galore that the season brings. Well guess what, it doesn’t mean the hard work you’ve put in all year has  to go to waste…but beware, it can!

After thinking long and hard about this, I think that now is the time to work harder than ever before! Personally, when the food is in front of me, its hard to resist. Out of sight out of mind, is what I do day to day at home and work. BUT, not so much the case during the holidays. By working hard in the gym and keeping my nutrition on point, I’ll allow myself a little splurge at a family gathering or holiday party. My friend posted on Instagram which I loved: “I prefer my winter coat to be part of my wardrobe, not my body.” (Thanks Chels!)

When you are working hard and putting in all the effort in the world to look and feel your best, the chances to ruin your progress are slim. Also, remember when you eat like crap you feel like crap? Yep, perfect example this weekend after indulging in more ice cream then I deserved- I felt like crap the rest of the day! My point? By putting in 110% into this lifestyle, having a few cocktails, a traditional Thanksgiving meal and piece of pie isn’t going to be a big deal.

So it’s up to you to decide…you can say screw it the next few months, but those splurges will only dig you a little deeper and all that work and results you started to see will be a big waste of time. Let’s not let the traditional New Years resolution “to work out starting January 1st” be your time to commit. Why not work out all year round?! You will be far ahead of the game!

Don’t feel bad about a treat here or there, don’t over-think it, just keep up the great work and you will be able to enjoy the holidays even more!

How will you be going about your fitness lifestyle this holiday season? Please do share! xo
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15 Things to Give Up

I hope everyone is having a great Wednesday! I love this list and just wanted to share a little something to think about.

I started my NCCPT Personal Training courses today so I’ve been studying like crazy! It’s a funny feeling being “back to school”, but I love this stuff and can’t wait to be certified and see where that leads me.

Have a great week! 🙂

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I hope everyone has been having a fabulous week! I have been busy rooting on our San Francisco Giants as they play game 2 tonight in the world series!! I am beyond excited and it is amazing to watch how this city comes together for our team. Anyways, I wanted to talk a bit about balance, as we try our best to balance things out in our lives. Especially in regards to fitness it has been a bit of a struggle for me to come up with a work, gym, and social life balance. In a perfect world I could fit everything in…work all day, come home, workout then be with friends, my family, my boyfriend and have time to blog, shop etc etc…uh, yeah maybe in my dreams! As of right now, my head has been drowning in all things fitness and that is what I love, but other aspects have been suffering. I don’t have time to go out with friends all the time, I don’t have time to post every night as I would LOVE to. So this is where I am needing to sit back and figure out how I am going to come to terms with the fact that everything will not get done. There is not one thing that will get 100% of my attention, as my passion comes from so many different branches.

How do I have time in my busy life to hit the gym, yoga class, run and eat clean? Sounds simple, I make time. Reality: not that simple! I have learned to make it a lifestyle that it isn’t a second thought anymore. But it has gotten easier with time. I prepare my meals to bring to work with me. I plan out my workout schedule each week around other activities. If I have an after work event, I usually plan to squeeze in a workout within the work day. If I know I can make it to the gym after work, I head there right after without a thought about skipping or sitting on the couch. This may seem a little crazy, but I swear you can do it as well. There are always some rest days, as I cannot let myself get down about those. When there is a will there is a way.

I think one of the most important things while living a ‘fit’ lifestyle is finding the right support system. It will be incredibly hard to eat the correct foods or stay on a strict regime if you are not surrounding yourself with people who will support you 100%. Working together with someone who shares the same views about fitness will enable you more than you could imagine. I am so lucky to have a boyfriend who eats what I eat, and works out as much as I do. We share the same values and views of why health and fitness is so important and that makes a world of difference. Push each other to get your butt to the gym, and don’t let your partner buy crap that will sit in your fridge and taunt you to eat it! Even if they are not on your same page, influence them as much as possible. Spread the word of fitness and help better others lives in that way. Make sense? Find friends that share your same passion and push each other to stay motivated. Make it fun! Stay focused, stay positive and keep moving forward. 🙂

I’m wondering, do you share the same struggles, of work life, fitness life and social life balance? I would love for you to share with us!

With my Nike marathon past me, I am planning to keep up running as much as possible. I decided to do a 5k turkey trot here in the city! Nothing like a good run before a large Thanksgiving meal! Find the details here.

***Also, I have something really special coming up in the near future for Fitness and the City… stay tuned, I am so excited!***

Take care, and GO GIANTS!! 🙂

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