
#12WBT Review / Where I Am Today

The time has come… my Michelle Bridges body transformation project  has come to an end. So excited to say I made it 4 weeks, without missing a single workout and maybe had only about 1 or 2 hiccups with additional cheats/treats. It has really been a great experience and I am so proud and thrilled to say that I feel great!

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I obviously haven’t mastered my posing, but I feel much tighter in my core, my arms and legs are much more defined and my head is in the right place. I wasn’t looking to loose much weight, but I did end up losing 3 pounds.

Where I am today….

+My workouts are consistent. I have gotten used to the 6 day/week routine and rest day Sundays. I wont have a problem keeping this up because the feeling after an amazing workout is what I love most.

+Love having a Saturday super session. For those of you who follow my social media may have seen some of those 1000+ calorie burns on my heart rate monitor. AMAZING workouts…and never thought it was possible to burn that many calories in only 1 hour 15-30 mins!! More to come in upcoming posts about that intense calorie burn…

+Consistency with having 1 cheat meal on Saturdays. Never thought the day would come when I can hold off all week for that one glorious meal. It’s actually not as hard as it seems. Getting used to that habit makes it easier to resist a 3pm piece of candy everyday. It is possible, just takes time to adapt!

+I learned to pay more attention to portion sizes and how many calories I’m actually taking in. 1500 calories/day was hard at first but my stomach shrunk pretty quick and that amount became pretty satisfying.

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A few things that could improve…

+This plan didn’t emphasize the 6 small meals a day rule. Rather, there was a designed breakfast, lunch and dinner with a few small snacks in between. I really believe in having 6-7 small meals a day and feel like I would have seen more results if that was the case.

+This plan would be absolutely GREAT for beginners who are looking to change their lifestyle and getting you through the steps. However, I was sort of lacking in the more advanced nutrition plans. I would have loved to see workouts and meal plans catered to a specific individual and their nutritional needs.

I really truly feel that this plan gives you all the tools you need to change your lifestyle and makes it easy to adapt. If you are considering a change or need an extra push, now is your chance!

Michelle’s FULL 12 week program goes live in the US in January 2014!! Sign ups for the first US round start on December 16th. Click here to learn more and reserve your spot!

Are you ready to take the plunge? I’m here to give you that extra push…. It is worth it, YOU are worth it! 🙂

Read more about my #12wbt here and here.
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Michelle Bridges Body Transformation Challenge

I have some more exciting news! I feel like that’s all I’m writing about these days, but hey that’s not a bad thing! For those of you who follow my Facebook or Instagram are already filled in… but I am so excited to share that I am deep into day 2 of a 4 week preview of Michelle Bridges 12 week body transformation  (we will call it “12wbt“). By being a part of a fabulous group called Girls Gone Sporty I was chosen to preview this program before Michelle opens it up to US peeps. Seriously debating at first, as I knew it would be a HUGE commitment to sacrifice the food I love and my regular workout routine. But I am SO glad that I decided to take the plunge!


Michelle is the workout queen of Australia who hosts the Biggest Loser over there as Jillian’s counterpart here in the US. This plan is AWESOME in every way. And trust me, I am not paid to say that! Each meal, snack, drink is planned for my specific needs and each workout (6 days a week) is tailored to suit my goals and fitness ability. I have only gone through 2 workouts so far, and let me tell you…I have never been through a tougher session in my life! And loved every minute of it. That feeling of going to bed with a sense of accomplishment and waking up ready to do it again, is what it’s all about for me.
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Some of the “pre-season” tasks included:
  • Setting goals- doing my personal best, dedicating and committing 100%, seeing my best personal results
  • Gearing up- mentally and physically
  • Getting rid of all the junk in the kitchen- out of site out of mind!
  • Organizing the plans- I have a folder of all the information I need as well as meals posted on my fridge
  • Measuring  and taking a pre season fitness test- testing will be taken throughout the 4 weeks
Check, check and check!! Now onto the workouts, delicious meals (there are so many to choose from) and weekly challenges to get motivated.
This my friends, is going to be it for me. This is what is going to get me 150% dedicated and I cant wait to see the results! There is no way that I will get off track these next 4 weeks. No matter what fitness level, age, or weight, this plan gives you all the tools to succeed. Not to mention, Michelle is a superstar with the best attitude! Stay tuned for much more to come. Can’t wait to share my journey with you guys and keep you posted as to how things are going!
Have you every used an online personal trainer? If so, please do share in the comments!
Keep up with Michelle Bridges: Website / Facebook / Twitter
Disclaimer: I am being compensated for this campaign, however all opinions are my own.

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Half Marathon Training Schedule & #runforboston

This happens to be a coincidence that just last week I signed up to do my 3rd half marathon. I was excited to reveal the news and share with you how I will be training up to the event, but now this seems to be a more somber post.

I woke up this morning with my eyes full of tears and my heart heavy, not only because I am a runner but because I am a human being. Who could do this? Who could be such a coward? My heart goes out  to all of you in Boston. Lets hold our loved ones closer today. I truly hope and pray for a safer world full of more love. To the victims, families and anyone who witnessed this horror, you are in our thoughts and prayers.

So do we keep on keeping on? Or do we let this terrify us into not taking part in any more races? I say we keep running and run in honor of those who lost their lives or were hurt at the Boston Marathon. I will be running all week for them, and I hope you join me!

With that said, I will be running the Grapes of Rock Half Marathon on June 8th! I went out on a limb with this one, and am already 7 weeks out. I have put together the below intermediate training schedule to get me where I would like to be.

Half Marathon Training Schedule

Monday’s and Wednesday’s are my “easy run” days, while Saturday I will be running a longer distance. C/T means Cross Training, which includes any form of fitness class, elliptical, stairmaster, or cardio besides running. Although it is not recommended to lift extremely heavy, I can’t go without my days of weight training, so I will be lifting a bit as well. (I also feel as my muscles get stronger, my run time decreases.)  Make sure to take rest days, as they are so important to let you body break and recoup from the runs. Professionals have said to start light, work up to long runs, then taper off just before the marathon.

Are any of you training for a half marathon?

Have a great week!!

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NWM 2012


8 weeks away! October 14th, this is where I will be. The excitement is something I cannot explain. Completing a marathon can be one of the most rewarding, if not THE most rewarding accomplishment…ever. It takes months of preparation and once you reach that finish line the feeling is indescribable. This is my motivation to you to kick-start your body and reach a goal that you have set for yourself. It only takes one little 5k to get me wanting to push myself further and do something that I never thought I could do. My training has begun, and by the end of the weekend I plan to run a total of 15 miles… Wish me luck! 🙂

Enjoy your weekend everyone and thanks for reading!


{image credit: NWM 2012}

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