
Dream BIG and start NOW!

I know I talk about sets, super-sets, to failure and all these terms I’m sure you haven’t heard of, right? Thing is, I just learned what they are myself, so I hope you’re not reading this feeling discouraged because you don’t know what a tricep extension super-set with a bench tricep kickback is. Everyone starts as a beginner, including myself about a year or so ago. Heck, I still don’t know a lot of different terms or the perfect way to do this or that. Its been a long process for me and I wish that I had more time to study and get certified. The more you read, research and practice the more it will make sense, I promise!

I remember the first time I stepped foot in the weight room, I was terrified! Had no idea what to do, didn’t want to look like a total nerd for bringing in a notebook full of exercises and hated the fact that every boy stares at the girl in the weight room. As time went on, you kind of get used to it. Gain confidence in your workouts, get ideas from watching other people do exercises and get comfortable with it. I assure you, if you are feeling like I did in the beginning, it gets better! Keep at it, get in there and lift with the boys! You will be kicking major a$$ in no time! 🙂

Since we’re talking about different levels of fitness, another thing I mention a lot is 100% clean eating and exercising 6 days a week. I know this is not a normal routine for the average person, so make if fit into your lifestyle. For those starting out, try exercising 3-4 days a week and see how you feel. Take baby steps. No need to start off full force. If you are on the quest to eating healthier, try eating 2-3 sweets a week or cutting back your favorite junk food. If that seems like a lot, try to limit to once a day. Work your way towards the 100% clean eating. Make that your goal. I have slowly progressed to the stage I am at now and would have never imagined I would be running the full marathon (literally). Your metabolism will speed up with time and nutrition will become a cinch the more you practice. My biggest advice is to research. Use google, use the internet, there are tons of millions of articles out there about fitness and nutrition. Even magazines have helped me learn a new exercise or what or what not to eat when. No matter what fitness level you’re at, do your research! (bodybuilding.com has been my go-to resource)

Bottom line, all fitness levels welcome here!! We all start somewhere. Don’t get discouraged by your level of commitment or knowledge. Every expert was once a beginner! Make fitness FIT into your lifestyle.  Set small goals and work towards the larger ones. Start NOW, so you can look back and see how far you’ve come.  🙂

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30 Miles in 30 Days/Workout Progress

I feel like I’m making progress! It’s seriously the best thing ever to actually SEE the results that you work so hard for. Once you see your body changing it only pushes you harder. It’s the best feeling! So if you feel like your not seeing results, KEEP GOING!!! You will get there, patience is a virtue! (which I am working on ;))

I’m excited to be linking up with Ms. Sarah and Nikki again for this awesome challenge!

I’m going to start by saying that so far in May I have been slacking on my running and focusing more on lifting. I have a petite frame naturally so my mindset at the moment is focused on building more muscle opposed to cardio.

Here’s what my week has looked like so far:

Monday: double day- 30 minutes elliptical (about 3 miles), then back to the gym for back/biceps

Tuesday: Legs/Glutes (my fave!!) …and still very sore!

Wednesday: Triceps/Chest, 20 minutes of elliptical (about 2 miles)

Thursday (today): 30 minutes on treadmill (3.5 miles)

Friday: Planning to get outside for a run…but may change my mind 🙂

Saturday: REST (Going to Bottlerock!)

Sunday: run/walk with Mom (Mother’s day)

My total miles this week: 8.5 —-> 21.5 more to go!

Are you all staying motivated?

Bikini season is coming up! Here’s to eating clean and training your butt off!!


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May Motivation: 30 Miles in 30 Days & More Link Ups

Who’s with me to join a “30 miles in 30 days” Challenge?! I stumbled upon this link up through Lynda at Fitnessmomwinecoutry, and hosted by the Nikki at The Pink Growl. What a great idea, right? Lets get each other motivated to run!

Just grab the button and join in…or log your miles and share with us! Let’s do big things in May!

I am going to aim high this month as I prep for a (possible) half marathon. Let’s say 40 miles, can I do it?! I will keep you guys posted. 🙂

Here is another challenge which my Mom and I are doing, and many of you may be interested in. The 30 day smoothie challenge is brought to you by a great site called Health is Happiness. Check it out here.

Link up time! Here are some other blogs that I read on a daily basis that you may enjoy as well:












Happy Motivation May!! Let’s do it big this month, challenge ourselves and make progress towards our goals!

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Half Marathon Training Schedule & #runforboston

This happens to be a coincidence that just last week I signed up to do my 3rd half marathon. I was excited to reveal the news and share with you how I will be training up to the event, but now this seems to be a more somber post.

I woke up this morning with my eyes full of tears and my heart heavy, not only because I am a runner but because I am a human being. Who could do this? Who could be such a coward? My heart goes out  to all of you in Boston. Lets hold our loved ones closer today. I truly hope and pray for a safer world full of more love. To the victims, families and anyone who witnessed this horror, you are in our thoughts and prayers.

So do we keep on keeping on? Or do we let this terrify us into not taking part in any more races? I say we keep running and run in honor of those who lost their lives or were hurt at the Boston Marathon. I will be running all week for them, and I hope you join me!

With that said, I will be running the Grapes of Rock Half Marathon on June 8th! I went out on a limb with this one, and am already 7 weeks out. I have put together the below intermediate training schedule to get me where I would like to be.

Half Marathon Training Schedule

Monday’s and Wednesday’s are my “easy run” days, while Saturday I will be running a longer distance. C/T means Cross Training, which includes any form of fitness class, elliptical, stairmaster, or cardio besides running. Although it is not recommended to lift extremely heavy, I can’t go without my days of weight training, so I will be lifting a bit as well. (I also feel as my muscles get stronger, my run time decreases.)  Make sure to take rest days, as they are so important to let you body break and recoup from the runs. Professionals have said to start light, work up to long runs, then taper off just before the marathon.

Are any of you training for a half marathon?

Have a great week!!

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Booty Build Workout!

Summer is just around the corner and I know all you ladies want a firm, tight, little booty. (Why do I feel so naughty saying that?) Well, ok…I’m sure the guys want to see that as well. So here’s the deal. Muscle building does not come from hours of cardio or squats using your own body weight. You must push yourself with heavy weights, ideally 1 or 2 times a week.

I always dedicate specific days to each muscle group, rather than doing full body workouts in one session. This gives you more energy to dedicate to one body part, allowing you to build the muscle to its maximum potential. Here is an example of my ideal weekly routine:

  • Monday- Chest/Cardio
  • Tuesday- Arms/Cardio
  • Wednesday- Legs/Glutes, no Cardio
  • Thursday- Cardio
  • Friday- Rest
  • Saturday- Back/Cardio
  • Sunday- Rest

As you can see, I don’t train my shoulders because this usually causes too much strain leaving me with a headache the next day. This is just my personal opinion, so shoulder exercises may work for you. Dont forget to switch your routine every so often so your body doesn’t get used to the same workouts leading to no change. Give your body some new excitement and it will adjust accordingly.

Needless to say, my leg/glutes day is definitely my favorite. I can do without cardio, although I love to run. But working my legs and glutes gives me some sort of indescribable satisfaction. I have always had the smallest glute muscles (which is the opposite problem for most women) but with this workout once a week, (twice if I have time) has given me a much more defined, rounder and larger (in a good way) “bottom”.


Instead of just going through the motions, push yourself with this workout and you will burn a ton of calories! Most importantly, use weights that are challenging for you. If you are a set of 10, use heavier weights than if you are doing a set of 15. Give yourself 1-2 minutes of rest in between each set, pay close attention to proper form, and have fun with it! If you stick to this 30-45 minute session, once or twice a week, you will see change!

After this workout it is crucial to go home and refuel. It’s best to head straight for a protein shake, or meal including protein, veggies and whole grains. I know so many women who don’t eat anything after a workout, but unfortunately that will only burn off the hard-earned muscle you just worked so eagerly for. At the gym, you are breaking down the muscle tissue, but after the gym with proper sleep and nutrition is when you build that muscle to be stronger than before. Your activities outside of working out are just as important as the hour your spend at the gym. Nourish your body and it will rebuild the muscle you have broken down. Does that make sense?

If you are unsure of any of these exercises, refer to bodybuilding.com for examples and explanations.


(I wish I could find a ‘before’ picture so we can compare…but find me on Instagram!)

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This blog is meant to follow my lifestyle of health and fitness, and inspire others who may be on the same journey. All opinions are my own and not everything I post may be right for you. Anything I discuss is what I believe and I am not responsible for errors or omissions. I am not a certified trainer or nutritionist. Anything posted relating to these fields are my beliefs and what has worked for me. Thank you for your support!

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