
Calling all Yogis!

Calling all yogis! (I love that word) Who out there loves yoga? It’s becoming the “it” thing to do around town. Hatha, vinyasa, bikram, power yoga to name a few of the many styles. I know, it sounds like I’m speaking a different language, right?

After hitting the gym for repeated days in a row, a nice long yoga session always helps break up the repetitive muscle strain and tension. Also pretty sure we can all use a little relaxation, myself included. I’m all about trying to find ways to de-stress. Lifting and cardio do this for me as well, but yoga specifically releases the tension building up from work, relationships and just life in general. I am de-stressing just thinking about it…

Here are some benefits:

Strength, posture, flexibility anyone? I’M ALL IN! Of course I believe that lifting weights is critical for all of the above, but cycling in yoga once in a while is a must for me.  Try these poses:


Send me a message or comment if you would like yoga studio recommendations in San Francisco. I also LOVE yoga DVD’s which can be done in the comfort of my teeny apartment. Jillian Michael’s is of course my fave- try her Yoga Meltdown.

Do you guys practice yoga? Would love to hear about it! I just mastered the crow pose! Woohoo 🙂

Here are some yoga articles that may be of interest to you:


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Booty Build Workout!

Summer is just around the corner and I know all you ladies want a firm, tight, little booty. (Why do I feel so naughty saying that?) Well, ok…I’m sure the guys want to see that as well. So here’s the deal. Muscle building does not come from hours of cardio or squats using your own body weight. You must push yourself with heavy weights, ideally 1 or 2 times a week.

I always dedicate specific days to each muscle group, rather than doing full body workouts in one session. This gives you more energy to dedicate to one body part, allowing you to build the muscle to its maximum potential. Here is an example of my ideal weekly routine:

  • Monday- Chest/Cardio
  • Tuesday- Arms/Cardio
  • Wednesday- Legs/Glutes, no Cardio
  • Thursday- Cardio
  • Friday- Rest
  • Saturday- Back/Cardio
  • Sunday- Rest

As you can see, I don’t train my shoulders because this usually causes too much strain leaving me with a headache the next day. This is just my personal opinion, so shoulder exercises may work for you. Dont forget to switch your routine every so often so your body doesn’t get used to the same workouts leading to no change. Give your body some new excitement and it will adjust accordingly.

Needless to say, my leg/glutes day is definitely my favorite. I can do without cardio, although I love to run. But working my legs and glutes gives me some sort of indescribable satisfaction. I have always had the smallest glute muscles (which is the opposite problem for most women) but with this workout once a week, (twice if I have time) has given me a much more defined, rounder and larger (in a good way) “bottom”.


Instead of just going through the motions, push yourself with this workout and you will burn a ton of calories! Most importantly, use weights that are challenging for you. If you are a set of 10, use heavier weights than if you are doing a set of 15. Give yourself 1-2 minutes of rest in between each set, pay close attention to proper form, and have fun with it! If you stick to this 30-45 minute session, once or twice a week, you will see change!

After this workout it is crucial to go home and refuel. It’s best to head straight for a protein shake, or meal including protein, veggies and whole grains. I know so many women who don’t eat anything after a workout, but unfortunately that will only burn off the hard-earned muscle you just worked so eagerly for. At the gym, you are breaking down the muscle tissue, but after the gym with proper sleep and nutrition is when you build that muscle to be stronger than before. Your activities outside of working out are just as important as the hour your spend at the gym. Nourish your body and it will rebuild the muscle you have broken down. Does that make sense?

If you are unsure of any of these exercises, refer to for examples and explanations.


(I wish I could find a ‘before’ picture so we can compare…but find me on Instagram!)

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This blog is meant to follow my lifestyle of health and fitness, and inspire others who may be on the same journey. All opinions are my own and not everything I post may be right for you. Anything I discuss is what I believe and I am not responsible for errors or omissions. I am not a certified trainer or nutritionist. Anything posted relating to these fields are my beliefs and what has worked for me. Thank you for your support!

Treadmill Interval Training

More often than not, I am bored out of my mind on a treadmill. Staying in the same spot for 30 minutes or more seems so monotonous, but often times I neglect getting outdoors for a run and stick to the treadmill. Interval training not only adds excitement to my workout but also leads to a calorie burn way more effective than running the same pace. Ditch the constant pace and pick it up a notch with interval training! Or experiment with both and see the difference in calorie burn.

Try this interval workout and let us know what you think!treadmill

Remember to always start with a warm up, and end with a cool down. You can also add an incline to pick it up a notch. Keep in mind that this pace (MPH) listed may not be suitable for some, so please adjust to your own physical ability.

(Disclaimer: This blog is meant to follow my lifestyle of health and fitness, and inspire others who may be on the same journey. All opinions are my own and not everything I post may be right for you. Anything I discuss is what I believe and I am not responsible for errors or omissions. I am not a certified trainer or nutritionist. Anything posted relating to these fields are my beliefs and what has worked for me. Thank you for your support!)

Spring Cravings

I used to be such a basic black and white top/bottom type gal until recently. For spring I am loving these bright color trends. Have you ever noticed that when you feel good and wearing something new, you get a better workout? I am a strong believer of the “look good, feel good” attitude. Bright new colors bring excitement and enthusiasm to a workout and may even give you that extra push you were looking for. Here are a few spring items I am currently craving in the athletic department.



Spring has officially sprung. What are your fave places to shop for workout attire?

home gym must-haves

Lately I have been dreaming about moving into a 2 bedroom apartment so I can use one room as a designated gym (as well as a second closet which I am in dire need of). So until I have room for a treadmill, elliptical or a bike, I have put together a few smaller must-have items for my home gym.

home gym

1. Stability Ball: an inexpensive way to give your workout a little something extra. Use for core work, sit on it for shoulder work, use for wall sits or prop your feet on it for push ups. Theres a million things you can do with a stability ball.

2. Jump rope: cardio, cardio, cardio. Use a jump rope if you’re looking for an easy and simple cardio warmup.

3. Kettlebell: I am loving kettlebell exercises! Use them for cardio or strength training and work every muscle in the body.

4. Yoga mat: stretching, yoga, ab exercises, a yoga mat can be used for anything and everything.

5. Bosu Ball: instead of standing flat on the ground, stand on a bosu ball when doing shoulder or arm exercises, squats or killer crunches. This will give you an added core bonus.

6. Dumbbells: these are essential for any home gym. I like these specifically because the material will protect the hardwood from getting scratched. Also, be sure to get heavier weights. I usually use 8-15 pounds.

7. TRX resistance band (not pictured): this allows you to do hundreds of exercises using your own bodyweight. You can anchor it to your door at home. I have been loving TRX and bodyweight training lately!

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