
Nike Store Opening Events

Hi there! For those in the San Francisco area, please join us for the Nike Union Street Store opening and festivities! Sooo excited for the opening of this totally cool new vibe coming to the Marina. So many fun Nike Training Clubs, run clubs, yoga, you name it! Would love to link up with those who can attend. Sign up at

See you there!!


Michelle Bridges Body Transformation Challenge

I have some more exciting news! I feel like that’s all I’m writing about these days, but hey that’s not a bad thing! For those of you who follow my Facebook or Instagram are already filled in… but I am so excited to share that I am deep into day 2 of a 4 week preview of Michelle Bridges 12 week body transformation  (we will call it “12wbt“). By being a part of a fabulous group called Girls Gone Sporty I was chosen to preview this program before Michelle opens it up to US peeps. Seriously debating at first, as I knew it would be a HUGE commitment to sacrifice the food I love and my regular workout routine. But I am SO glad that I decided to take the plunge!


Michelle is the workout queen of Australia who hosts the Biggest Loser over there as Jillian’s counterpart here in the US. This plan is AWESOME in every way. And trust me, I am not paid to say that! Each meal, snack, drink is planned for my specific needs and each workout (6 days a week) is tailored to suit my goals and fitness ability. I have only gone through 2 workouts so far, and let me tell you…I have never been through a tougher session in my life! And loved every minute of it. That feeling of going to bed with a sense of accomplishment and waking up ready to do it again, is what it’s all about for me.
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Some of the “pre-season” tasks included:
  • Setting goals- doing my personal best, dedicating and committing 100%, seeing my best personal results
  • Gearing up- mentally and physically
  • Getting rid of all the junk in the kitchen- out of site out of mind!
  • Organizing the plans- I have a folder of all the information I need as well as meals posted on my fridge
  • Measuring  and taking a pre season fitness test- testing will be taken throughout the 4 weeks
Check, check and check!! Now onto the workouts, delicious meals (there are so many to choose from) and weekly challenges to get motivated.
This my friends, is going to be it for me. This is what is going to get me 150% dedicated and I cant wait to see the results! There is no way that I will get off track these next 4 weeks. No matter what fitness level, age, or weight, this plan gives you all the tools to succeed. Not to mention, Michelle is a superstar with the best attitude! Stay tuned for much more to come. Can’t wait to share my journey with you guys and keep you posted as to how things are going!
Have you every used an online personal trainer? If so, please do share in the comments!
Keep up with Michelle Bridges: Website / Facebook / Twitter
Disclaimer: I am being compensated for this campaign, however all opinions are my own.

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Staying Active in the Office

Sitting at a desk 8-5 can be hard on your body, let me tell ya. Making sure that your posture is correct is a must, but I’ve been also thinking about ways to stay active on the job. Unfortunately, I don’t have my own office where I can bust out the hand weights once in a while, which would be great. A lot of studies have come out regarding health risks for those who work in an office environment, so that has got me thinking. What are some ways to keep active on the job?

  • Replace your chair with a fitness ball. I would love to do this! When you have no choice but to sit you can get in a mini workout this way. With a ball you’re forced to use your core muscles to keep you upright, rather than slouching over as you would in a chair. Another reason why I would love my own office. 🙂
  • Burn calories while you commute to work. Are you able to walk or ride a bike to work? If you are close enough, stop being lazy and do so! In my case, I am forced to take the bus, but walking to a farther bus stop would get the calories burning a bit.
  • Book a walking meeting. Instead of ordering food while meeting around a conference room table, take a walk outside with your coworkers. This can also boost your mood and may even encourage more creativity.
  • Stop IMing and get up and walk over to your coworkers desk. If you are in a huge office as I am, I tend to pick up the phone or IM a coworker with a question or concern. Instead I should be walking over to their desk and taking the stairs over the elevator. This is much more productive! And yes, I have been guilty of taking the elevators up and down one floor. 🙂
  • Hit the gym at lunchtime. This is my fav! If I am able to get out for lunch or an hour break, I head right over to the gym for a quick workout. Follow your sweat sesh with a healthy meal that you can eat at your desk while you get back to work. This also helps me to clear my head, feel better about the afternoon and able to tackle the tasks that come to my desk.
  • For those of you more fortunate, you can even stash some exercise equipment under your desk and whip out some bicep curls or other easy movements. May seem a little silly, but I have seen this done! Stretching at your desk is also a great way to break up the energy a bit and make your body feel a whole lot better throughout the day.
  • Also, since we are talking about keeping healthy in our offices, another little tip that I have been doing a lot lately, is bringing my own lunch! I was notorious for grabbing lunch out every work day, but in fact ordering a salad can still bump up the calories. It’s best to know exactly what ingredients are in the food your eating, and making your own lunch is the best way to do so. On Monday’s I try to cook my own chicken and veggie or brown rice and put them in containers for the next couple of days. This way my lunch is ready to go. I also bring in my own greek yogurt each morning, so I am sure to feed my body with the best energy boosting foods it needs.

Thoughts? Do you work in an office environment where you have the ability to administer these types of activities? We need to make more people aware that sitting at a desk all day is terrible for your body and health and there are ways to help this!

I have also added a new page to the blog! It’s called “Workout Log”. I will be keeping track of my daily workouts here, as I think it’s important to keep track of my daily routine as well as have everything in one place and accessible to others.

Do you keep a workout log? If so, do you use a particular program or jot it down on paper?

Happy Friday and have a great weekend! xo,J

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