#Unofficial Living Room Workout // Enter to win tickets to the Big Game!


The big game is officially less then a week away and will take place at Levis Stadium nearby in Santa Clara! Excited to see all of the activity in the bay area these next few weeks… +1M people coming to SF- should be insane!

I saw that the San Jose Mineta Int’l Airport is the #Unofficial Airport to the big game and decided to create an #unofficial living room workout for the Big Game. No equipment needed. You can do this workout anywhere, anytime. I know it’s tough for a lot of you to make it to the gym…but here you are. NO EXCUSES! And why not even workout a bit during commercials or half time?? 😉

#Unofficial 30 Minute Living Room Workout 

Round 1- complete each exercise 30 seconds; repeat 5 times.

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  1. Plank hops to squat
  2. Wall sit (hold 30 secs)
  3. Lunge jump lunge
  4. Tricep Dips

Round 2- complete each exercise 30 seconds; repeat 5 times

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  1. Skaters
  2. Plank and shoulder taps
  3. Backwards lunge and knee up
  4. Push Ups

Round 3- complete each exercise 30 seconds; repeat 5 times

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  1. Mountain Climbers
  2. Toe Touches
  3. Bicycle Kicks
  4. Windshield Wipers

YOU DID IT! Did you find it tough? This workout is great for those of you who dont have exercise equipment at home. Push push push as hard and fast as you can for each of those 30 seconds…you should be sweating!

Post your #UnofficalMoments on Twitter for a chance to win 2 official tickets to the Big Game this Sunday in Santa Clara. Enter here then make sure to post or tweet your #UnofficialMoments. Drawing will be held at 9am PST on 2/5! #SJCtheUnofficial

What team are you rooting for?

xo, Jenna



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