healthy lifestyle

Meet Health Coach Amanda Kelly & GIVEAWAY!

Today I am having Health Coach and friend, Amanda Kelly take over the blog! Here she is…

Aloha!! I am so excited to write a post for Jenna’s Fitness & the City! I have been following her since she started last year and I LOVE her blog.

My name is Amanda Kelly and I am a certified Holistic Health Coach.  I work with people to slowly incorporate healthy habits into their lives, so they can live a happier, fuller life (and get healthy!).  I love what I do and I adore talking nutrition, so I was psyched that Jenna offered a guest post to me! Woot woot!

Everyone wants to be happy and healthy.  For you ladies (and gents!), I made a quick list of easy-to-implement healthy habits that will make your skin glow and your body tight.  I don’t believe in a one-day overhaul of your health; it takes time to get totally on track!  These are simple, easy tips that you can slowly take on, one at a time.

1. Sleep at least 8 hours a night.  Everyone loves to sleep.  Give your body a much-needed break at night to restore itself.  There are so many benefits to getting enough sleep at night, including: WEIGHT LOSS, improved memory, increased life span, and improved performance at work and in real life (think exercise!).  Aside from all that, getting enough sleep will make you one hot lady! While you sleep, your skin repairs itself.  They don’t call it beauty sleep for nothing!

2. Eat more color!! Include more dark greens, rich purple, orange, red, and white produce into your day.  Colorful produce has an array of vitamins and minerals, and you need every color of the rainbow to get each of those vitamins.  Try something new each week, like eggplant or mashed cauliflower. I have recently come to love purple cabbage in my salads!

3. Don’t skip meals.  EVER.  Eating should be your favorite thing in the world.  If you are eating all those colorful fruits and veggies, you should be able to eat until you are full without worrying about packing on the pounds.  It is seriously impossible to over-eat veggies.  Plus, if you are eating well, you will be feeling well!!

4. Check your labels.  Anything that doesn’t come from the produce aisle is likely to have some questionable ingredients.  If you can’t pronounce an ingredient, you probably shouldn’t eat it.  Just imagine all that gunk trying to break down into your body and get into your cells : Try whole foods, which are easier on your body.

5. Take your vitamins!! Although eating lots of fruits & veggies will get your gorgeous bod glowing with vitamins and minerals, you should still take a multivitamin daily.  It is a good back-up.  You want all that goodness in your body! I swear that I am happier when I take my vitamins.

6. Avoid GMO’s – just know that GMO’s have not been researched enough on humans to be deemed safe.  That does not sound appetizing! Stay away from anything made in a lab and you will be looking fab (Like my rhyme?).

7. Try organic.  This is one super easy way to increase your health and probably your lifespan.  Organics are so good and pure they make me want to jump for joy!  Do a little experiment, if you like.  Grab an organic apple and a non-organic apple from the store.  Take a bite of the conventional apple (after you pay for it) then take a bite of the organic apple.  Prepare to be blown away!  You will never want conventional produce again.

Little side note: I know organic is more expensive.  If you aren’t ready to go all-out organic, take a look at the dirty dozen list.  This is a list of foods that have been shown to carry the most pesticide residue.  You do NOT want to buy these in the conventional form.  There is also a list called the clean fifteen, which have the least amount of pesticide residue.  Google them!

8. Switch to all-natural products.  I’m talking skin care, toothpaste, body wash, household cleaners, you name it.  I have started using coconut oil on my face and hair. It’s amazing! Also, you can make a fab toner out of a little apple cider vinegar + water.  Plus, using natural products is less expensive than all those creams and face products. Yay!

9. Exercise!! I swear, you will get hooked on endorphins. Get fit AND get high! The easiest way to incorporate exercise into your life is to find something you like.  Try a Zumba class, Jazzercise, spin class, whatever.  Even long walks with friends count.  Try it! You can even start a little weight circuit – dumbbells are super fun.  Feel like a boss and get toned at the same time.  Weights are inexpensive (get some dumbbells at Target for less than $10) and there are TONS of free Youtube videos that show you weight circuits for any body part.  I am a huge fan of Tone It Up – these girls are fun AND know how to get toned!

10.  Slow down.  Take some time to relax!! I’m talking about doing something every day that makes you feel rested and well.  Take a long hot bubble bath.  Get a massage.  Read a novel.  Do something totally indulgent and feel good about it.  YOU should be your first priority.  Don’t feel bad about it either! When you take care of yourself, you are happier, healthier, and more of a joy to be around.


If you got to the end of this article, you are in for a prize! We are prizing one of you lucky ladies (or guys!) with MY FAVORITE COOKBOOK! I cook one of these recipes weekly, and the food is freaking delicious! Aside from it being mouthwateringly-incredible, it is also healthy! I nearly died the first time I made the split pea soup with kale.  My boyfriend even ended up eating FOUR BOWLS.  In one sitting! There are so many recipes in this book that will make you want to entertain for days.  I love making these recipes for guests, because they are so incredibly delicious but so healthy!  The cookbook is called … (drumroll please) Crazy Sexy Kitchen!! It is written by a cancer survivor (Kris Carr) who has lived with an incurable stage 4 cancer for 10 years! She knows a thing or two about health, let me tell ya.
To win this delectable little prize, you must complete the following:
  1. You must be following this blog to enter. Just subscribe by entering your email to the right —>
  2. Then “like” the Fitness and the City Facebook page
  3. Go over to my Facebook page, Amanda Kelly Health Coaching, and like that also
  4. Lastly, I want to know which of these little health tips you are going to work on this week. Share that as well as tell us what you completed in the comments below.

The winner of the giveaway will be selected Tuesday 6/4/13.

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Thanks Amanda! Be sure to check out her website: 🙂

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Juice Your Way to a Healthier Lifestyle!

Juicing… I’m pretty excited about it at the moment! My mom sparked my interest, as she has been on this 30 day juice cleanse. She has been making smoothies as a lunch meal replacement and has seen amazing results! Weight loss, increased energy levels and my Dad’s blood pressure has never been so low since he started juicing! Keep in mind, that you need to make sure you are getting the correct nutrients and fiber, but juicing just one meal a day has been the leading factor of our family’s healthier lifestyle. In fact, we bought my Mom this gem for Mother’s day.  Juicing with an actual juicer as opposed to a normal blender makes ALL the difference. The smoothies are fresh and full of nutrients! We spent most of Mother’s day experimenting with different smoothie recipes…delish!

To read more about the 30 Day Smoothie Challenge via, click here.

So, why juice?

  • Juicing is an easy and delicious way to add more fruits and veggies to your diet.
  • Prevent diet related diseases and premature aging by increasing your daily consumption of fruits and vegetables and decreasing your intake of meats and dairy.
  • Studies show cancer, diabetes, stroke and heart disease may be prevented or lessened if certain components found in a plant-based diet are added to your daily diet.
  • Fresh juices provide the proteins, carbohydrates, essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients vital to good health.
  • The advantages of adding fruits and veggies to your daily diet include: a. increased energy; b. strengthened immune system; c. reduced risk of disease; d. stronger bones; e. glowing complexion.
  • Without juicing, it is nearly impossible to consume the amount of nutrition needed to naturally reduce the risk of cancer, disease and stroke. For instance 16 ounces of carrot juice provides the carotene equivalent to approximately three pounds of carrots.
  • A mid-morning or mid-day juice is a great natural source for an energy boost.
  • Stave off binge eating or overeating by drinking juice between and prior to mealtimes.
  • Once you start experiencing the benefits of juicing, it becomes easy to incorporate a variety of juices into your daily diet.
  • Fresh Juices v/s Whole Fruits and Veggies:
    Did you know pressed juices as opposed to masticated juices retain the naturally occurring fibers found in whole fruits and vegetables? Fiber refers to the indigestible materials found in plants. While this is very important for proper bowel function, it is the juice that nourishes us. Our body converts the food we eat into juice so it can be absorbed. Juicing allows for quick absorption of concentrated plant-based nutrients. The result is increased energy levels.
  • Fresh Juice v/s Canned, Bottled or Frozen:
    Fresh juice is far superior to its processed and pasteurized counterpart. Fresh juice contains living enzymes that have not been killed during the pasteurization process, and provide a natural source of Vitamins A, C and E for boosting the immune system. Fresh juice promotes cardiovascular health and is proven to increase energy by the nearly instant assimilation of nutrients into the bloodstream. Fresh fruits and vegetables in raw juice are full of anti-oxidants which help cleanse the body, hence improving the body’s overall function.


Since we’re on the subject…many friends have been ranting and raving about Dr. Oz’s 3-Day Detox Cleanse. Have you heard of it, tried it or have any thoughts? It seems to require a lot of food, so I think I may give it a try and track my results!


Here is a fun guide to smoothies via

I’m obviously pro-juicing but I am sure there are some people out there that are opposed…especially if you are juicing every single meal.  So keep in mind these are my thoughts and personal findings, I am not a nutritionist. Bottom line, do your research! 🙂

Here are some interesting articles I’ve found in relation:

If you have any more information to share, please do so & happy juicing! 🙂

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Why Lemon Water is a Must!

Lemon water is a great way to get in your gallon a day! Water hydrates while lemon revs your metabolism. This is a fitness must! My parents brought on my obsession with lemon water, they are so creative with adding all sorts of fruit to create something a little different from the ordinary. Start your day off on the right foot with a glass in the morning to refresh, revitalize and hydrate! I’m telling you, it does wonders for your body, skin and energy levels! Here’s how:

  • Boosts your immune system
  • Balances pH levels
  • Flushes out unwanted materials
  • Decreases wrinkles and blemishes (woohoo!)
  • Cures sore throat, especially when you mix with honey
  • Aids with weight loss(!!!)
  • Stimulate digestion and adds vitamin C
  • Reduces Fever

(Photo c/o The Culinary Tribune)

Instead of soda, lemonade or any sugary drinks, I love the idea of creating flavored ice cubes! For a fun summery drink, make flavored ice cubes by adding lemon, mint, blueberries, strawberries, pineapples, pomegranate seeds, cucumbers (pretty much anything) to your ice-cube trays and freeze.  Delish!

Happy Monday and thanks for reading!!

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Healthy Swaps Towards Your Future

One of the most important things to think about while transitioning to a more healthy lifestyle is the things you can easily swap out to take the place of your current routine. Choosing a healthier alternative is probably one of the easiest and most important steps, in my opinion.

Start at the grocery store. When you are at the market, opt for the better alternative and you will not be tempted at home to go devour the sweets drawer or frozen packaged food in your freezer. Make yourself a grocery list of better options, and try your best to stick to that list.

I have listed a helpful guideline below to get your started, but in order to learn exactly what your body needs you must do the research. This came to me with a lot of mistakes, and experimentation, but with all the research and reading I have done, I have finally found what works best for my body. Now it’s your turn to do the job and make the swaps.

As I have said before, I am a preacher of making the right decisions and the right decision lays in the food you choose. Hours upon hours of exercise and NOT feeding yourself properly will only put you in the same spot with little progress. Diets, pills and shakes will not do the trick. You need to fuel with protein, whole grains, veggies and then some.

Almost every cuisine can be adjusted to fit your healthy lifestyle. There are so many different variations out there, even if you go out to a restaurant. Ask your server to make the swaps and eye the healthier options on the menu. I have found ways around all types of food, Italian, Mexican, Japanese, even pizza and burger joints! They are out there, you just have to do the work and find it on the menu.

Start here. Start today. Try to make as many healthy swaps as you can and see how you progress. Be strong with your choices, think positive, and have fun with it!

Butter < Avocado

Sour Cream < Greek Yogurt

Peanut Butter < Almond Butter

Milk Chocolate < Dark Chocolate

Whole Wheat Bread < Ezekiel Bread

French Fries < Sweet Potato Fries

Hamburger < Turkey Burger

Soda < Water

Juice < Fresh Fruit

Iceberg Lettuce < Kale or Spinach

Salt < Mrs. Dash

Cereal < Oatmeal

Sugar < Cinnamon

Relaxed Run < Interval Training

Hours in the gym < 1 hour of high intensity training

Emotional Eating < Writing down your thoughts

Criticism < Self Love

Perfection < Progress

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Clean Eating: put simply


I have been getting a ton of questions regarding the basics. “What is clean eating?” “How can I eat clean?” I know I use that phrase a lot, so lets back it up a bit and get down to the basics.

So what’s the hype around “eating clean?” I am no expert, but I have done my fair share of research and experimentation with this subject. My body is a constant experiment and what you put in it is SO important to your health and well-being. So, put simply, clean eating is just a way to talk about what you are eating. This is not a diet or a short-term thing, but more of a lifestyle. This way of eating incorporates un-processed foods, with no chemicals. Food that is at it’s natural state, without going through a factory. This means eating your fruits and veggies, whole grains and lean proteins rather than pre-packaged, processed or fast foods. In all reality, there are no fitness goals that can be achieved without it. Without a clean diet, exercise can be mostly ineffective. (eek!)

There are so many benefits to eating clean, as I have said a million times I’m sure. But I am so passionate about this stuff and can’t stress the importance enough. I have been an avid gym-goer for quite some time, but I wasnt putting the right things into my body, therefore I saw no results. I was “working out to eat”, I guess you could say. To see results, you MUST eat clean, energize your body with the right foods, which will in turn set you up for success. Sorry if this is information you are already aware of, but many are unaware, as was I a year or so ago. Set yourself up for success and eat clean!

“It’s not about finding the right diet, but adopting the right lifestyle.”

To get you started here are some basic foods groups which play a big act in this lifestyle:

  • Protein Sources: chicken, turkey, fish, egg whites, greek yogurt, protein powder
  • Whole Grains– whole grain breads, ezekial bread, whole grain oats, brown rice, quinoa
  • Veggies– brocoli, green beans, asparagus, cauliflower, pretty much any plants!
  • Fruits– visit this site to learn more about what fruits are low in sugar
  • Healthy Fats– nut butters, avocado, almonds
  • Sugar– Have you heard that saying “eat less sugar, you’re sweet enough already”? Enough said. 🙂

Food is a big ticket to health. If you eat like garbage you will feel like garbage. Does this seem a bit overwhelming? There is a lot of information out there and I’m sure it’s a lot to take in. But keep it simple. Take baby steps. Don’t go from one extreme to the other. This is a learning process for everyone, including fitness models and competitors! I am still learning a ton of different things on a daily basis. However, it so is important to know, that one thing may work for some, but not for others. Each of us is different, and you should find the right thing for you. It’s a constant journey and we are in this together! Most importantly, have fun with it! (Can you tell via my Facebook and IG that I am having a ball experimenting with new foods?)

Here are some tips to get you started:

To read more visit my favorite site for information:

Enjoy your weekend and thanks for reading! xo

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